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AI boosts economy by £400 Billion

Microsoft Offers Free AI Training, OpenAI's Aims to Control 'Superintelligent' AI, The Only AI toolkit you'll ever need!

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Speedy Marketing is a dynamic plugin designed to supercharge your content marketing efforts. It's a tool that generates SEO-optimized blog posts and social media content based on a website URL. It's like having a digital marketing assistant at your fingertips!


  1. SEO-Optimized Blog Generation: The plugin creates blog posts that are optimized for search engines, helping to increase your website's visibility.

  2. Social Media Post Creation: It can also generate engaging social media content, helping to boost your online presence.

  3. Website-Based Content: All content is generated based on the provided website URL, ensuring relevance and accuracy.

  4. Time-Saving: It automates the content creation process, saving you time and effort.

  5. User-Friendly: The plugin is easy to use, even for those without a technical background.

How to Use

  1. Begin by invoking the plugin namespace, which is speedy_marketing.

  2. Use the getBlog function and provide the URL of the website for which you want to generate content. For example: speedy_marketing.getBlog({url: "yourwebsite.com"}).

  3. ChatGPT will then return a blog post based on the provided URL.

Use Cases

  1. Content Marketing: Use it to generate blog posts for your website to improve SEO and drive traffic.

  2. Social Media Management: Create engaging posts for your social media channels to increase followers and engagement.

  3. Digital Marketing Agencies: Can be used to quickly generate content for client's websites and social media.

  4. Bloggers: Ideal for bloggers who need to regularly create fresh, SEO-optimized content.

Speedy Marketing is a game-changer for anyone involved in digital marketing or content creation. It's a time-saving tool that generates SEO-optimized blog and social media content, all based on your website. Whether you're a blogger, a digital marketer, or a business owner, Speedy Marketing can help you elevate your online presence and reach your audience more effectively.


📚 Kiwi Video - Your AI-Powered Video Learning Companion! 🎥

Kiwi Video is an AI-powered tool that helps you learn more from videos. You can ask questions, get a summary, and even quiz yourself. It's like having a personal tutor right inside your video player.

Use cases:

Enhanced Learning: Improve your understanding of complex topics by asking questions and getting instant answers.

Quick Summaries: Save time by getting AI-generated summaries of key points in the video.

Self-Assessment: Test your understanding with AI-generated quizzes.

Personalized Learning: Tailor your learning experience by focusing on the parts of the video that matter most to you.

Click here to know more!

📊 Flowshot - Supercharge Your Google Sheets with AI! 🚀

Flowshot is an AI-powered tool that supercharges your Google Sheets. It brings the power of AI to your spreadsheets, making data analysis and management a breeze.

Use cases:

Data Analysis: Analyze your data in Google Sheets with AI-powered insights.

Automated Tasks: Automate repetitive tasks in Google Sheets with AI.

Data Visualization: Generate insightful charts and graphs automatically to better understand your data.

Predictive Analysis: Use AI to predict future trends based on your data.

Click here to know more!

🌍 Current Report - Stay Updated with Real-Time News Summaries! 📰

Current Report is an AI-powered tool that provides real-time news summaries on diverse world events. Stay updated with the latest happenings without spending hours reading lengthy articles.

Use cases:

Stay Updated: Get quick summaries of the latest news from around the world.

Save Time: Save time by reading AI-generated summaries instead of lengthy articles.

Diverse Topics: Stay informed about a wide range of topics, from politics to technology and everything in between.

Personalized News: Get news summaries tailored to your interests.

Click here to know more!


💻 Microsoft Offers Free AI Training With Professional Certificate


Microsoft, in collaboration with LinkedIn, is offering a free AI training course to meet the rising demand for AI skills. The AI Skills Initiative, which provides a professional certificate upon completion, introduces AI and teaches responsible AI use. The course includes five instructional videos and is available in English, with other languages coming soon. The initiative, accessible until 2025, is part of Microsoft's commitment to addressing workforce skill gaps and preparing people for the future of AI-based work.

📈 Google Forecasts £400 Billion UK Economic Boost from AI

Google has predicted a £400 billion boost to the UK economy by 2030, driven by AI technologies, according to a new report. Key areas of impact include enhancing productivity, improving accessibility for the disabled, and facilitating digital skills training. Additionally, Google.org's Social Innovation Fund plans to allocate £1 million to UK social entrepreneurs leveraging AI for community benefits. Critics, however, argue tech companies need to address potential negative societal impacts of AI.

🔬 OpenAI's New Team Aims to Control 'Superintelligent' AI

OpenAI, led by Chief Scientist Ilya Sutskever and Alignment Lead Jan Leike, is forming a Superalignment team to control & steer superintelligent AI. Predicting such AI within a decade, they stress the need for controlling measures. The team aims to build a "human-level automated alignment researcher" using 20% of OpenAI's computing power, to conduct alignment research & ensure AI systems do not deviate. However, they acknowledge the potential limitations & risks of scaling up inconsistencies or biases in the AI used for evaluation.

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