AI Isn’t Replacing Jobs

💪 Claude AI in Sheets and Generative AI in Healthcare

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😮‍💨 AI Job Displacement Concerns Mitigated by Recent Report
Insights from IPSOS

A new Ipsos report suggests that the risk of AI replacing jobs is currently low, with other factors like cost-cutting and market conditions being more likely causes of job loss in America.

Source: IPSOS

The Decode:

  • Lower Risk Than Perceived: Despite widespread concerns about AI leading to significant job displacement, the report indicates that the immediate threat is minimal, with traditional economic factors playing a larger role in job security.

  • Underreported AI Impact: The complexity arises with the possibility that some companies may underreport their use of AI, attributing job cuts to economic downturns or company restructuring rather than the adoption of AI technologies.

The findings provide some reassurance to the workforce that AI is not currently a major disruptor of jobs. However, it also calls for transparency in how companies report their use of AI and the impact on employment. 


Outreaching to influencers might not be a “sexy” topic, but it’s essential to influencer marketing. 

When done right, response rates go up, and your brand can work with the right influencers. When done wrong, your campaign can’t get off the ground. 

So, what do the most successful brands do when contacting influencers? How do they get up to 90% response rates? 

  • Do they use DMs or emails? 

  • Do they personalize or use templates?

  • Do they follow up? How many times? 

Ryan Prior from Modash surveyed 51 influencer marketing managers to learn all of this (and more). 👇


💪Enhance Google Sheets with Claude's AI
Insights from Rundown AI 

You can now streamline your spreadsheet tasks by integrating the AI prowess of Claude directly into Google Sheets with a few simple steps.

Source: Rundown AI 

The Decode:

  • Extension Setup: First, add the "Claude for Sheets" extension available on the Google Workspace Marketplace to your Google Sheets.

  • API Key Acquisition: Secure your unique Anthropic API key by visiting the Anthropic Console Settings page.

  • Key Configuration: Input the API key into the dedicated sidebar of the "Claude for Sheets" extension in your Google Sheet.

  • Prompt Execution: Use the formula “=claude(prompt, model)” in your sheet to initiate Claude's AI functionality for automated tasks.

By leveraging Claude's AI within Google Sheets, you can significantly automate and enhance data analysis and content creation, allowing for increased efficiency and the ability to focus on more strategic tasks.


🩺 Hugging Face's New Benchmark Aims to Evaluate Generative AI in Healthcare

In an effort to measure the efficacy of generative AI within healthcare, Hugging Face has introduced Open Medical-LLM, a benchmark designed to test AI models on various medical tasks.

The Decode:

  • Open Medical-LLM, developed by Hugging Face along with Open Life Science AI and the University of Edinburgh, consolidates existing medical test sets into a comprehensive benchmark to evaluate generative AI on tasks such as summarizing patient records and answering health questions.

  • The benchmark uses multiple choice and open-ended questions from medical licensing exams and college biology tests, assessing AI understanding in areas like anatomy, pharmacology, and clinical practice.

  • While Open Medical-LLM could identify the strengths and limitations of AI in healthcare, experts warn against overreliance on these benchmarks for real-world medical applications, emphasizing the need for in-depth testing and cautious implementation.

  • Hugging Face acknowledges that these benchmarks should be initial indicators for AI model exploration, stressing that such tools are intended to assist medical professionals, not replace them or be used directly by patients.

Open Medical-LLM offers an important tool for the development and assessment of AI in healthcare, potentially leading to improved patient care. However, this initiative also underscores the challenges and complexities of applying AI in sensitive fields like medicine. 


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🚫 UK Case Sex Offender Banned from AI Tools

A UK court banned convicted sex offender Anthony Dover from AI tools for five years for creating indecent child images. Restrictions include text-to-image generators and 'nudifying' sites amid concerns over AI-generated abuse imagery. As Susie Hargreaves,  CEO of the Internet Watch Foundation states “The case sets a precedent, urging legal measures and tech companies' responsibility in combatting such proliferation.”   

🔍 Google merges AI-focused DeepMind with Research teams

Google merged its AI teams into DeepMind fortifying capacity and underscoring the focus on streamlined development and objective AI. Google Research redirects efforts towards computing systems, ML, and applied science. This realignment enhances oversight for Responsible AI teams. Pichai asserts, "We have to be an objective and trusted provider of information." 

🍏 Apple creating an on-device large language model for speed and privacy

Apple's upcoming generative AI features, powered by Apple's LLM, will run on-device for faster responses and better privacy. Despite potential limitations compared to cloud-based rivals, Apple may enhance capabilities through technology licensing, possibly from Google. Expect a comprehensive unveiling of Apple's AI strategy alongside major software updates at WWDC in June. 

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