Americans Concern Over AI?

📸 Instagram Tests Various AI Elements, OpenAI Unveils Guide for AI-Crafted Meeting Notes, Google Revamps Policies

Hola Decoder😎 

We’ve seen AI can do some crazy things, but most of the things we try out turn to be a disappointment. Take ChatGPT for example. It is great for simple tasks, but as soon as it gets slightly complex, “ChatGPT leaves the Chat :)”

But we bring to you the best of what actually works in AI, so go on read along and challenge us with your AI challenges to truly decode the power of AI.

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🤖Google SEO Updates: The .AI Domain Dilemma!

Google's Gary Illyes just dropped some insights on the .AI domain, and we're here to decode it for you:

🤖The .AI Domain:

A ccTLD or gTLD? The .AI domain, associated with the Caribbean island of Anguilla, has been a hot topic. Is it a ccTLD (Country Code Top Level Domain) or a gTLD (Generic Top Level Domain)? The answer might surprise you!

A gTLD, like .com or .org, is not associated with any country and can be used worldwide. A ccTLD, like .uk or .in, is associated with a specific country and helps Google localize websites. So where does .AI fit in?

.AI is technically a ccTLD for Anguilla. But like .TV (Tuvalu's ccTLD), it's gained a broader meaning. Many AI companies use .AI, but does that localize them to Anguilla?

Here's the bombshell: as of June 2023, Google treats .AI as a gTLD! So you can use it for your global presence without worrying about being localized to Anguilla.

This highlights the importance of understanding how Google treats your domain. A ccTLD could limit your website's ability to rank globally. So do your homework before you pick a domain!

PS: Google has a list of ccTLDs it treats as gTLDs, including .eu, .asia, .ad, .co, .fm, .tv, and .ai. So if you're eyeing a ccTLD, check the list first!

Finally, your domain can make or break your global SEO game. So choose wisely, and remember: content is king, but a good domain can be your queen! Google's making moves to keep up with the times, and so should you. So go forth and conquer the SEO world, one domain at a time!


AI Agents is a nifty plugin that lets ChatGPT collaborate with other AI agents to achieve goals more efficiently. It's like a supercharged brainstorming session between AI, each contributing their unique skills. Imagine a team of AI working together to solve your queries!


  1. Collaborative Problem Solving: AI Agents can work together, combining their unique abilities to solve complex problems.

  2. Master AI Agent: This feature allows ChatGPT to consult a Master AI Agent for guidance and advice to achieve a specific goal.

  3. Enhanced Efficiency: By leveraging the strengths of multiple AI, AI Agents can provide faster and more accurate responses.

  4. Versatile Application: AI Agents can be used across a wide range of tasks, from simple queries to complex problem-solving.

How to Use

  1. Initiate a conversation with ChatGPT.

  2. Specify your goal or query.

  3. If the task is complex, ChatGPT may use the AI Agents plugin to consult with other AI or a Master AI Agent.

  4. ChatGPT will then provide the response or solution based on the collective input.

Use Cases

  1. Complex Problem Solving: AI Agents can tackle complex problems that require diverse expertise.

  2. Research: AI Agents can collaborate to gather and analyze information from various sources.

  3. Decision Making: AI Agents can provide different perspectives to help make informed decisions.

  4. Learning and Education: AI Agents can provide comprehensive answers to educational queries by pooling their knowledge.

AI Agents is a powerful plugin that amplifies the capabilities of AI by enabling collaboration. It's like having a team of AI experts at your disposal, each contributing their unique skills to solve your problems. Whether you're tackling a complex issue or just need a quick answer, AI Agents has got your back. It's teamwork but with AI!


🖥️ Carbonate - Automated Browser Tests in Plain English!

Carbonate is here to revolutionize your testing process. It's an AI tool that turns simple language-driven instructions into end-to-end tests, making your testing process more efficient and user-friendly.

Use cases:

Automated Testing: Write and execute browser tests using simple language.

Quality Assurance: Ensure your web application works as expected with AI-powered testing.

Time Management: Focus on your core tasks, and let AI handle the testing.

Click to know more!

💻 Impel - Your Always-On AI Companion for Mac! 🚀

Impel is an AI companion for your Mac that understands the context of your screen and surfaces suggestions, information, and actions automatically. It's like having a personal AI assistant for your Mac.

Use cases:

Productivity: Get AI-powered suggestions to enhance your productivity.

Information Retrieval: Access relevant information based on the context of your screen.

Task Automation: Let AI handle routine tasks, so you can focus on what matters.

Click to know more!

🎬 MediaFlow - AI-Powered Video Summarization! 🚀

MediaFlow is here to revolutionize your video content process. It's an AI-powered tool that helps users summarize videos automatically, transforming videos into engaging images that drive customer engagement.

Use cases:

Video Summarization: Create engaging summaries of your video content.

Content Creation: Transform your videos into engaging images with AI.

Customer Engagement: Drive engagement with AI-powered video summaries.

Click to know more!


🤖 Most Americans Express Concern over AI Advancements, According to CNBC Survey


CNBC All-America Economic survey reveals growing public discomfort with AI, with 69% of respondents uncomfortable with efforts to develop AI that can mimic human activity, a 10-point increase from 2016. This unease extends to AI applications in customer service, medical diagnosis, and self-driving cars. However, only 18% believe AI could replace their jobs, raising questions about the need for industry regulation and public education on AI benefits.

📸 Instagram Tests Various AI Elements


Instagram is set to integrate generative AI elements into its platform. The upcoming features include an AI sticker creation tool that generates custom graphics based on text prompts, visual editing tools for image alteration, an AI chatbot tool for conversation within DMs, and an AI-powered tool to summarize messages. To ensure transparency, Instagram will label AI-generated content, allowing users to see when an image is created using AI. The implementation timeline remains unknown.

📝 OpenAI Unveils Guide for AI-Crafted Meeting Notes

OpenAI has shared a tutorial on employing its GPT-4 and Whisper models for transcribing and summarizing meeting minutes. Whisper, an automatic speech recognition system, is designed to transcribe spoken language, while GPT-4 summarizes the transcripts. Six strategies are also provided for optimal results, including giving explicit instructions and using other tools to compensate for GPT-4's weaknesses. This application of AI can enhance organizational communication efficiency.

🔄 Google Revamps Policies for AI-Generated Product Ratings

Google has updated its Product Ratings policies to disallow AI and automated content in reviews, labeling them as spam. This enforcement involves a combination of machine learning and human evaluations. Violations can lead to content disapproval, warnings, or account suspensions. These changes emphasize the need for genuine, human-created content, maintaining authenticity in reviews, critical for online businesses and consumer trust.

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