Create AI with AI?

📊 AI for Google Slides, Your AI healthcare Assistant, Automate Marketing with AI.

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The AI Extensions plugin is a handy tool designed to guide users through the process of building a GPT-4 plugin. It's like having a personal assistant that provides step-by-step instructions, complete with visual aids, to make the process as smooth as possible.


  1. Detailed Step-by-Step Guide: The plugin breaks down the process into nine manageable steps, each with clear instructions and images.

  2. Visual Aids: Each step is accompanied by relevant images to help users visualize the process.

  3. Customizable: The plugin can be used according to the user's progress in their plugin development process.

  4. Comprehensive: It covers everything from converting the user's logic to an API endpoint, creating a Repl, forming relevant files, to submitting the plugin for review.

  5. Interactive: The plugin responds to user queries about specific steps in the process.

How to Use

With ChatGPT:

  1. Ask ChatGPT about a specific step in the plugin development process.

  2. ChatGPT will request the relevant step from the AI Extensions plugin.

  3. Follow the instructions and visual aids provided by the plugin through ChatGPT.

Without ChatGPT:

  1. Access the AI Extensions plugin directly.

  2. Request the step you're interested in or need help with.

  3. Follow the instructions and visual aids provided by the plugin.

Use Cases

  1. New Plugin Development: If you're developing a new GPT-4 plugin, the AI Extensions plugin can guide you through the entire process.

  2. Troubleshooting: If you're stuck at a particular step in your plugin development, the AI Extensions plugin can provide guidance for that specific step.

  3. Review: If you've completed your plugin and want to review the process or check for any missed steps, the AI Extensions plugin can be a helpful tool.

The AI Extensions plugin is a comprehensive guide for GPT-4 plugin development. It's like having a personal tutor that not only provides instructions but also visualizes each step for you. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced developer, this plugin can make your plugin development process a breeze.


📊 Plus AI - Supercharge Your Google Slides!

Plus AI is here to revolutionize your slide creation process. It's an AI-powered tool that helps you create custom content for your Google Slides without starting from scratch.

Use cases:

Presentation Creation: Generate engaging slides in less time.

Content Customization: Tailor your content to your audience with AI assistance.

Productivity: Focus on your message, let AI handle the design.

Click to know more!

🩺 Docus - Your AI Health Assistant! 🚀

Docus is an AI health assistant that generates your health report and validates it with a top doctor from the US & Europe. It's like having a personal health consultant at your fingertips.

Use cases:

Health Monitoring: Keep track of your health with AI-generated reports.

Medical Consultation: Validate your health report with top doctors.

Health Management: Stay proactive about your health with AI assistance.

Click to know more!

🚀 Jounce AI - The Future of Marketing is Here!

Jounce AI is here to revolutionize your marketing process. It offers AI-powered copywriting and artwork creation, saving you days and weeks of work.

Use cases:

Marketing: Create engaging marketing content in a fraction of the time.

Copywriting: Generate compelling copy with AI assistance.

Artwork Creation: Design stunning visuals quickly and efficiently.

Click to know more!


🌙 Bing Search and Chat Launch Dark Mode

Screenshot from Bing Chat

Microsoft has officially launched a dark mode for Bing Search and Bing Chat, responding to user demand. This setting, available under "appearance" in the search settings, can now be applied on a desktop and is compatible with Chrome and Safari browsers. Bing users can also default to their system settings for dark or light mode.

🔬 OpenAI, Google, Microsoft, Anthropic Establish AI Safety Forum

Major tech companies including OpenAI, Google, Microsoft, and Anthropic have launched the Frontier Model Forum to address AI safety. The initiative, aiming to "fulfill the promise of AI to benefit everyone," as stated by Google's Kent Walker, will enhance knowledge sharing, research, and secure information exchange on AI developments.

Amazon unveils AWS HealthScribe, an AI tool to transcribe and analyze doctor-patient conversations, facilitating healthcare documentation. It extracts relevant medical terms, categorizes transcripts, but only supports general medicine and orthopedics currently. Despite concerns over generative AI biases, Amazon assures review options and data security. HealthScribe is "HIPAA eligible."

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