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👀How Artificial Intelligence can get quicker Real Results

Hola Decoder😎

Welcome to another edition of Decoding the Power of AI! We’ve just dropped our amazing referral system with access to the most useful AI tool kit ever in the clutter of the AI world that is. Be sure to check it out and make the most of it 🥰

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💰 Databricks Scoops Up OpenAI Rival, MosaicML, for a Whopping $1.3B

AI tech giant Databricks is shelling out $1.3 billion to acquire MosaicML, an open-source neural networks expert with a platform for training large language models and deploying AI tools. The MosaicML team will integrate with Databricks’ multicloud Lakehouse Platform, offering generative AI capabilities. This comes as MosaicML's latest release, MPT-30B, shows how organizations can cost-effectively build and train their own models using their data.

🤝 Nvidia and Snowflake Join Forces to Craft Custom AI Models

Nvidia and Snowflake have joined forces to allow Snowflake's 8,000+ customers to create custom generative AI assistants using their own data. With Nvidia’s toolkit NeMO and infrastructure, users can develop AI chatbots and models that align with their unique company needs. This partnership solidifies Nvidia's position as a leading provider of AI solutions, leveraging the parallel processing power of its graphics chips.

🤖 DeepMind Aims High: Their New Chatbot Set to Challenge ChatGPT

DeepMind, Google's research lab, is developing a large language model named Gemini, aiming to rival or outperform OpenAI's ChatGPT. Utilizing techniques from AlphaGo, the AI system famous for defeating a professional Go player, Gemini intends to plan, problem-solve, and analyze text proficiently. The model could employ reinforcement learning to improve task performance, following DeepMind's successful implementation in other AI systems.


Devhunt is a nifty plugin designed to help you find and launch developer tools with ease. It's like having a personal assistant that knows the ins and outs of the developer world. With Devhunt, you can discover new tools, compare them, and even launch them right from your chat window.


Search Functionality: Devhunt allows you to search for specific developer tools using keywords.

Comparison: It enables you to compare different tools based on their features, usability, and more.

Launch Capability: You can directly launch the tools you find, right from the chat window.

Wide Range: It covers a broad spectrum of tools, from coding and debugging to project management and collaboration tools.

How to Use on ChatGPT

  1. Initiate a conversation with ChatGPT.

  2. Use the Devhunt namespace and the 'devhunt' function with your query as the input.

  3. ChatGPT will return a list of tools that match your query.

Without ChatGPT:

Visit the Devhunt website.

Use the search bar to input your query.

The website will return a list of tools that match your query.

Use Cases

Discovering New Tools: If you're looking to expand your developer toolkit, Devhunt can help you discover new tools.

Comparing Tools: If you're unsure about which tool to use, Devhunt can help you compare different tools.

Quick Access: If you need to quickly launch a tool during a conversation or a brainstorming session, Devhunt can help you do that right from the chat window.

Devhunt is a powerful tool for developers, making the process of discovering, comparing, and launching developer tools a breeze. It's like having a knowledgeable friend who's always ready to help you find the right tool for the job. Whether you're a seasoned developer or a newbie, Devhunt is a plugin you'll want to keep handy.


🎨 Sivi - Your AI-Powered Visual Content Creator! 🚀

Sivi is here to transform your text into visual content instantly. Using artificial intelligence, you can auto-generate editable banners, social posts, Google display ads, and more. It's like having a personal graphic designer at your fingertips!

Use cases:

Visual Content: Turn your text into visual content instantly.

Marketing: Auto-generate banners, social posts, and Google display ads.

Content Creation: Enhance your content with AI-powered visuals.

Click here to know more!

🎥 Rask - Localize Videos Fast and Fun with AI! 🚀

Rask is all about localizing videos fast and fun with AI. It's like having a personal video editor and translator in one!

Use cases:

Video Localization: Localize your videos quickly and efficiently.

Content Creation: Create content that resonates with different audiences.

Global Reach: Expand your reach with localized videos.

Click here to know more!

🔍 Factiverse - Your AI-Powered Fact Checker! 🚀

Factiverse is here to verify the credibility of text produced by AI writing tools and detect actual sources of information and claims. It's like having a personal fact-checker at your fingertips!

Use cases:

Fact-Checking: Verify the credibility of AI-produced text.

Source Detection: Detect the actual sources of information and claims.

Content Creation: Ensure the accuracy of your content with AI-powered fact-checking.

Click here to know more!

“GUARANTEED” The only AI Tool kit you’ll ever need 🤩

We know that you're a mastermind in your circle, so how about sharing the Decode with your crew?

Share our newsletter with your network, and unlock exclusive access to Decode’s ultimate AI tool book, with 500+ verified, vetted, and powerful tools across 40+ categories.

Just 2 referrals and you can have it all.

PS: This is not just another tool book. It’s a handpicked compilation of the best of the best tools that actually do what they claim. Also, the list is updated with new tools every month! So get your hands on the only AI Toolbook you will ever need!

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Keep deciphering the AI enigma, and we'll be back on Monday with more coded mysteries unravelled just for you piping Revolution Grammys Set AI Rules!