Generative Magic on Phone!

PLUS: 💸 Deepfake heist 25M Dollars, Google’s new Local Business Finder, Adobe launch Firefly Gallery.

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📲 MobileDiffusion: Rapid On-Device Image Creation

A lot of text-to-image models in the market demand powerful Desktops, but, MobileDiffusion revolutionizes text-to-image generation, enabling high-quality image creation on mobile platforms in under half a second. 

Here’s the showdown: 

📲 Efficient Mobile Solution: 

MobileDiffusion pioneers efficient image generation on mobile devices, running in just half a second to produce 512x512 high-quality images. With a compact model size of 520M parameters, it overcomes the computational limitations of previous models, offering a lightning-fast experience. 

👉 Innovative Architecture: 

MobileDiffusion optimizes the UNet architecture, leveraging a hybrid approach that combines transformer blocks and convolution blocks. By strategically placing transformer blocks at the bottleneck and implementing separable convolution layers, it achieves superior efficiency without compromising performance.

One-Step Sampling: 

Adopting a DiffusionGAN hybrid for one-step sampling, MobileDiffusion simplifies the training process while maintaining high-quality image generation. By fine-tuning a pre-trained diffusion model and leveraging GAN to model denoising, it ensures rapid convergence with fewer than 10K iterations. 

As MobileDiffusion reshapes the landscape of on-device image generation, businesses embracing this technology stand to gain a competitive edge in delivering captivating visual content seamlessly.


How the best marketers handle surprise meetings without breaking a sweat 

Has this ever happened to you? 

You've just walked into the office, and bam—your boss wants a marketing meeting with you in three minutes.

At first you're freaking out…

But then you remember you've got Marketing Scroll.

So you whip out your phone and catch up on the 60-word news nuggets that make you look like you've got it all together for the meeting. Whew. 

Never walk into a meeting unprepared again. 


Create Your AI Assistant: Hugging Face vs. OpenAI

Hugging Face introduces a new tool, the Hugging Chat Assistant, allowing users to build customizable AI assistants in just two clicks, akin to OpenAI's GPT offerings. 

Here's what you need to know:

1️⃣ Ease of Use: 

Users can create assistants effortlessly, selecting from various open-source models like Claude, LLaMA 2, and Mixtral.

2️⃣ Features and Limitations: 

While assistants lack RAG, web search, actions, and image generation capabilities, these are slated for future integration, offering potential for more diverse applications.

3️⃣ Open Source Advancement: 

This tool signifies a significant stride in open-source AI, empowering users with customizable assistants and showcasing rapid advancements comparable to industry leaders like OpenAI.

The Bottom Line: 

Hugging Face's foray into customizable AI assistants presents an exciting opportunity for users to create tailored solutions effortlessly. As the tool evolves, it promises to rival established offerings, fostering innovation and democratizing access to AI technology.


🤖 Promptly - Customize AI Interactions! Build bespoke generative AI agents, apps, and chatbots tailored to user needs, integrating data and GPT models effortlessly without coding skills.

🚀 Boilerbay - SaaS Development Made Easy! Access a comprehensive Next.js SaaS Bundle featuring landing & waitlist pages plus a SaaS boilerplate to kickstart your project.

📸 Soona - Elevate Content Creation! Soona provides a full suite for crafting professional and user-generated content, managing creative processes, and tracking performance.

🎙️ Ques AI - Enhance Podcast Marketing! A dedicated AI assistant for podcast marketing, catering to both solo creators and teams.


🎭 AI Deepfake Scammer Nets $25 Million in Groundbreaking Heist

In a groundbreaking scam in Hong Kong, a multinational company lost HK$200 million (US$25.6 million) due to deepfake technology impersonating its CFO and staff in a video call, prompting an employee to execute fraudulent transfers. This first-of-its-kind incident highlights the evolving threat of AI in scams, emphasizing the need for enhanced verification and encryption in corporate communications to prevent future frauds.

🗺️ Google Maps Unveils AI-Powered Local Business Search

Google Maps' new AI feature offers personalized local business recommendations by analyzing its database with large language models. It responds to conversational queries, providing tailored suggestions for places, events, and activities. Designed for diverse user interests and scenarios, this early access experiment, informed by Local Guides' feedback, promises to transform local discovery and enhance business visibility through conversational search optimization.

🖌️ Adobe Launches Firefly Gallery for Creative Inspiration

Launching its Firefly Community Gallery, Adobe introduces a collaborative space for sharing and inspiration among AI-generated art creators. This move, leveraging the successful community model of Behance, allows for direct user uploads, enhancing interaction within the global Firefly community. Focused on "safe commercial use," Adobe champions the use of expert AI prompts to fuel innovation and "spark new and different ideas," redefining the landscape of generative AI creativity.

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