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Genie for Infinite Virtual Worlds!

PLUS: 🖼️ Unlocking Text from Images, GitHub Copilot Enterprise at $39/Month, Tumblr Teams Up with OpenAI, and more!

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Seems like only my AI experiences are filled with hallucinations and endless re-prompting 🥲

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🧞‍♂️ Unveiling Genie: AI's Gateway to Infinite Virtual Worlds 

Genie breaks barriers in generative AI by introducing interactive, playable environments created from single image prompts. This innovative model, trained from internet videos, marks a significant leap in AI capabilities, enabling users to immerse themselves in imagined virtual realms with unprecedented ease.

Here’s what you need to know:

📹 Learning from Internet Videos: 

Genie learns fine-grained controls exclusively from a vast dataset of internet videos, without relying on action labels. This unique capability empowers the model to infer diverse latent actions consistently across generated environments. 

🖼️ Single Image Prompt: 

With just a single image prompt, Genie can conjure entire interactive worlds, transcending traditional limitations in content generation. This accessibility opens new avenues for creators to bring their visions to life in virtual environments. 

🧠 A Catalyst for Generalist Agents: 

Genie's ability to generate diverse virtual worlds serves as a stepping stone for training generalist AI agents. By offering a never-ending curriculum of generated environments, Genie paves the way for AI agents to adapt and excel across various domains without additional domain knowledge. 

Genie represents a paradigm shift in generative AI, unlocking boundless possibilities for immersive virtual experiences. 


Get the Email Addresses of Up to 40% of your Anonymous Website Traffic

A New AI based Lead Gen Tool, Smart Recognition, identifies the email addresses of your anonymous website traffic.

Rather than only capturing 5% of your visitors via an opt-in form, you can now remarket and email most of your website traffic, growing your list and rev faster!

YES, this is CAN-SPAM compliant, and YES big brands are already using this technology to:

🥵Email an irresistible offer to prospects browsing your site.
🛒Send abandoned cart emails to people who don't complete the checkout.
🎯Add those email addresses to meta-remarketing audiences

See how much of your website traffic you can identify!


🖼️ Unlocking Text from Images: Palmyra-Vision Takes AI Writing to New Heights 

In the realm of generative AI, Writer emerges as a San Francisco startup focused on practical business applications. Their latest innovation, Palmyra-Vision, enables text generation from images, charts, and graphs. May Habib, the CEO, emphasizes the strategic shift towards multimodal content, marking a significant milestone in AI writing technology.

Here’s the lowdown:

🔄 Multimodal Content Focus: 

Writer's Palmyra-Vision emphasizes generating text from images, aligning with their commitment to multimodal input. This strategic decision underscores the importance of catering to diverse content formats in AI writing products.

💯 High Accuracy Models: 

Employing a multiple model approach, Palmyra-Vision achieves remarkable accuracy, boasting four nines of precision in text generation from images. This precision ensures reliable insights and interpretations, crucial for various business applications. 

💼 Diverse Use Cases: 

Palmyra-Vision unlocks numerous use cases, from e-commerce websites updating product descriptions dynamically to automating compliance checks for pharmaceutical companies. This versatility showcases the broad applicability of AI-generated text from images in streamlining business processes. 

The Bottom Line:

Palmyra-Vision's ability to generate text from images signifies a groundbreaking advancement in AI writing technology. As AI enthusiasts delve into the potential applications across industries, the fusion of multimodal content and high-accuracy models promises to revolutionize workflows and enhance productivity. 


🚀 AdsGency - Revolutionize Your Digital Advertising! AdsGency AI transforms how you approach digital advertising by automating and optimizing workflows, offering a significantly improved ROI with reduced costs, all without the need for an extensive marketing team.

💡 Thinkbuddy - Supercharge Your Mac Productivity! Thinkbuddy introduces an AI that listens, reads, and engages, providing comprehensive productivity assistance throughout your day, with a generous offer to try up to 50 messages for free.

🌐 Le Chat - Your Multilingual Assistant! Built on Mistral AI, Le Chat offers a conversational assistant capable of understanding and interacting in multiple languages, enhancing communication and support for users globally.

🔧 Velvet - Empower Your Team with Data Engineering Skills! Velvet aims to democratize data engineering, making it possible for everyone on your team to effectively work with data without specialized training.


🚀 GitHub Copilot Enterprise Launches for $39/Month

Source- GitHub

GitHub unveiled Copilot Enterprise at $39/month, tailored for large businesses with features like IP indemnity and integration with Bing and internal codebases. It enables model fine-tuning to organizational needs, enhancing developer productivity by providing specific guidance. CEO Thomas Dohmke emphasizes leveraging "internal processes and documents" for optimized, ethical, and secure model outputs, running on GPT 3.5 Turbo.

📊 Tumblr Teams Up with OpenAI, Midjourney for Data Sharing, Report Claims

Automattic, owner of Tumblr and WordPress.com, is reportedly nearing deals with AI firms Midjourney and OpenAI to use user-post data for AI training. Amid rumors, a new opt-out setting for data sharing is planned, despite prior unauthorized data scraping. Automattic aims to balance AI collaboration with user choice, amidst broader industry challenges and debates over data use for AI training.

🚨 Police Respond to 'Willy Wonka Experience' Amid AI Ad Falsehoods, Upset Kids

Source- House of Illuminati / Stuart Sinclair

In Glasgow, the "Willy’s Chocolate Experience" promised by AI ads ended in tears as families encountered a dismal warehouse, not the lollipop forests and jellybean waterfalls depicted. Charging £35, the event by House of Illuminati fell short, offering scant decor and unprepared actors. After widespread disappointment, 850 refunds were issued, showcasing the pitfalls of AI's overpromised fantasies.

🏆 Glean Aims to Surpass ChatGPT in Enterprise Sector

Source- Glean

Glean, launched by Rubrik co-founder Arvind Jain, is an AI-powered platform connecting to enterprise databases to answer employee queries in plain English, akin to a tailored ChatGPT. Despite GenAI's privacy concerns, Glean ensures security and privacy, offering personalized, verifiable insights through custom models and over 100 connectors. Recently, it raised $200 million in Series D, valuing it at $2.2 billion, reflecting its strong market demand and unique position in enhancing workplace productivity.

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