SIRI turning into GPT?

PLUS: 📹 Google's AI Video Generator , US Plans National AI Research Resource, Google Unveils AI-Enhanced Learning Tool

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🎥 Lumiere: Google's Innovative Leap in AI-Driven Video Generation

Google has recently introduced Lumiere, a cutting-edge space-time diffusion model, representing a significant advancement in the field of AI video generation. Developed collaboratively with the Weizmann Institute of Science and Tel Aviv University, Lumiere is designed to address some of the most challenging aspects of video synthesis, setting a new standard in realistic AI-generated videos.

🧠 Innovative Approach

Lumiere utilizes a space-time diffusion model, distinguishing itself from existing methods with its ability to create videos that showcase realistic, diverse, and coherent motion.

📹 Enhanced Video Creation Capabilities

The model supports generating realistic and stylized videos from natural language text inputs and can transform still images into dynamic videos. It also includes features like video inpainting and Cinemagraph for enhancing video content.

💪 Superior Performance

Lumiere has demonstrated state-of-the-art results in text-to-video generation, outperforming other models in terms of motion magnitude, temporal consistency, and overall quality.

⭐️ Unique Architectural Design

Unlike traditional models that use cascaded approaches, Lumiere employs a Space-Time U-Net architecture to generate the entire temporal duration of a video in a single pass.

🙌 Training and Capabilities

Trained on a vast dataset of 30 million videos, Lumiere is capable of generating 80 frames at 16 fps, showcasing its proficiency in handling a wide range of video content.

Lumiere marks a pivotal development in AI video technology, with its groundbreaking approach to video generation. While currently not available for public testing and with certain limitations like the inability to handle multiple shots or scene transitions, its superior performance and innovative features position Google as a leader in this rapidly evolving field. Lumiere sets a new benchmark for AI-generated video quality and opens up exciting possibilities for future advancements in digital media and content creation.


AI brews beer and your big ideas

What’s your biggest business challenge? Don’t worry about wording it perfectly or describing it just right. Brain dump your description into AE Studio’s new tool and AI will help you solve that work puzzle.

Describe your challenge in three quick questions. Then AI churns out solutions customized to you.

AE Studio exists to solve business problems. They build great products and create custom software, AI and BCI solutions. And they once brewed beer by training AI to instruct a brewmeister and then to market the result. The beer sold out – true story.

Beyond beer, AE Studio’s data scientists, designers and developers have done even more impressive things working 1:1 with founders and executives. They’re a great match for leaders wanting to incorporate AI and just generally deliver outstanding products built with the latest tools and tech.

If you’re done guessing how to solve work problems or have a crazy idea in your back pocket to test out, ask AI Ideas by AE Studio for free solutions, right now.


10 ChatGPT Prompts to Enhance Social Media Sales Funnels with Emojis

Creating an effective social media sales funnel involves thoughtful strategy and creativity. Here are 10 ChatGPT prompts, each adorned with relevant emojis, to help you craft a sales funnel that resonates with your audience and boosts conversions.

🌟 Building Awareness: Generating Content Ideas

  • "Suggest a range of engaging content ideas for [Industry/Niche] to attract [Target Audience] on [Social Media Platform], combining educational, inspirational, and actionable content."

🔍 Optimizing for Search and Social Algorithms

  • "Outline strategies for optimizing posts on [Social Media Platform] within [Industry/Niche], focusing on algorithm-friendly tactics and effective content formats."

📢 Crafting Shareable Content

  • "Develop guidelines for creating shareable and viral content for [Industry/Niche] on [Social Media Platform], with a focus on elements that engage [Target Audience]."

💬 Cultivating Interest: Engaging Content Templates

  • "Create engaging [Social Media Platform] post templates for [Industry/Niche/Specific Topic] that spark conversations and community involvement."

🎮 Creating Interactive Content

  • "Propose innovative ideas for interactive content on [Social Media Platform] to engage [Target Audience] in [Industry/Niche], promoting active participation."

🔎 Facilitating Decision: Comparing with Competitors

  • "Provide advice on effectively presenting [Product/Service] USPs on [Social Media Platform], comparing with competitors in [Industry/Niche] positively."

📣 Encouraging Action: Crafting Calls-to-Action

  • "Generate a persuasive call-to-action for [Social Media Platform] that motivates [Desired Action] for [Product/Service], highlighting value and ease of action."

🛤️ Streamlining the Conversion Path

  • "Analyze and recommend enhancements for the conversion path of [Product/Service] on [Social Media Platform] in the [Industry/Niche]."

📱 Analyzing and Optimizing: Optimizing for Mobile Users

  • "Suggest strategies for optimizing the [Social Media Platform] sales funnel for mobile users interested in [Product/Service] within [Industry/Niche]."

📊 Utilizing Analytics for Future Campaigns

  • "Explore how to leverage analytics from [Social Media Platform] campaigns to refine future sales funnels for [Product/Service] in [Industry/Niche]."

Incorporating these prompts into your social media strategy can significantly enhance your sales funnel's effectiveness, ensuring a more engaging and profitable online presence.


🚀 Venture GPT - AI for Startups and Investors! Venture GPT assists startups with pitch feedback and investor matchmaking while providing VCs and angels with tools for sentiment analysis and startup evaluation. (Requires GPT Plus)

🤖 Startilla - AI-Driven Business Assistance! Startilla offers an AI assistant that aids startup owners, business analysts, marketing agencies, and UX designers in generating key business artifacts for idea validation and project pitching.

📝 Contentful - Revolutionizing Composable Content! Contentful leads the way in intelligent, composable content, expanding creative possibilities for various teams.

💬 Zipchat - Smart Sales Chat for Websites! Zipchat boosts your website engagement with an AI-powered sales chat, trained on your website content, external documents, and user interactions.


📱 iOS 18 to Feature Next-Gen Siri with ChatGPT-Style Abilities

Apple is enhancing Siri with AppleGPT, a generative AI for iOS 18, surpassing rivals like ChatGPT by integrating on-device processing for speed and privacy, and expanding into AI audio and video. This aligns with Apple's AI-focused chip design, evident in nearly half of their AI job postings emphasizing Deep Learning. Analysts see this as a pivotal upgrade for Siri's capabilities and privacy standards.

📚 Google Unveils AI-Enhanced Educational Tools

Source- Google 

At the Bett ed-tech event, Google introduced AI enhancements for Classroom, including AI-suggested questions for YouTube videos and Practice Sets in 50+ languages. Google Workspace's Duet AI will assist in lesson planning. Classroom updates feature group formation, speaker spotlight in Slides, eSignature collection, and improved analytics. ChromeOS and Chrome browser enhance accessibility, and Google Meet adds multilingual captions and host pinning. New Chromebooks with direct assignment access were also showcased.

🔬 US National Science Foundation Initiates Pilot for National AI Research Resource

Former Google CEO Eric Schmidt's new venture, White Stork, focuses on AI-driven kamikaze drones, bridging a gap between Silicon Valley tech and Pentagon military strategies. With operations in the U.S. and Ukraine, White Stork, under companies like Volya Robotics, is set to transform warfare with cost-effective ($400) drones. This move into AI-centric warfare underlines a pivotal shift in defense technology, raising ethical questions about AI's role in military applications.

🚀 Former Google CEO Ventures into AI-Powered Kamikaze Drone Business with 'White Stork'

The U.S. National Science Foundation, backed by NVIDIA, has launched the National Artificial Intelligence Research Resource (NAIRR) with a $30 million initiative. This program, a strategic response to President Biden's Executive Order 14110, seeks to democratize AI innovation and empower underrepresented communities. Focused on responsible AI development, particularly in healthcare and environmental science, NAIRR aims to bolster U.S. global competitiveness in AI.

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