Google leads AI control

😳Google CEO Warns of Harmful AI Deepfake Videos, Netflix's AI Creates Vibrant Magenta Green Screen, UN's AI Panel: Robots Answer Press Queries

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MixerBox Prompt Pro is a nifty little plugin that's all about making your life easier when you're using ChatGPT. It's like your personal assistant, helping you refine your questions to get the most detailed and accurate responses. It's all about optimizing your queries, so you spend less time scratching your head and more time getting the answers you need.


  1. Question Optimization: It takes your initial question and transforms it into a more refined and precise inquiry. No more vague responses!

  2. Gap Identification: It's smart enough to spot the gaps in your question and suggests ways to fill them in. It's like having a second pair of eyes on your queries.

  3. Detailed Responses: It ensures that the responses you get are rich in detail and cover all the necessary aspects of your inquiry. It's all about quality over quantity.

How to Use

  1. Just type in your question as you normally would.

  2. The plugin will automatically analyze and enhance your question.

  3. Sit back and enjoy the detailed and comprehensive responses.

Use Cases

  1. Learning: If you're trying to learn something new, the plugin can help you ask the right questions to get the most informative answers.

  2. Research: If you're doing research, it can help you formulate your queries to get the most relevant information.

  3. General Queries: Even for general questions, it can help you get more detailed and comprehensive responses.

So, that's MixerBox Prompt Pro in a nutshell. It's a handy tool that helps you ask better questions and get better answers. Whether you're learning, researching, or just curious, it's a great way to get the most out of ChatGPT.


🐱 Querykitty - Get More Done in Less Time with ChatGPT for the Impatient One! 🚀

Querykitty is here to supercharge your productivity. It's like having a personal assistant that's always ready to help, thanks to the power of ChatGPT!

Use cases:

Time Management: Let AI handle your tasks and save precious time.

Productivity Boost: Increase your productivity with AI assistance.

Task Automation: Automate your routine tasks with AI.

Click here to know more!

🎲 Trivai - Automatically Create Trivia Questions on Any Topic! 🧩

Trivai is your go-to tool for creating trivia questions on any topic. It's like having a personal trivia master, all thanks to AI!

Use cases:

Entertainment: Create fun and engaging trivia games for parties or gatherings.

Learning: Use trivia questions to learn about new topics in a fun way.

Content Creation: Spice up your blog or website with trivia content.

Click here to know more!

💪 Ironiq - A Free Personal Trainer in Your Pocket! 🏋️‍♀️

Ironiq is your AI-powered personal trainer that supports your journey to greatness. It's like having a personal trainer in your pocket, available 24/7!

Use cases:

Fitness Goals: Achieve your fitness goals with personalized workouts.

Health Improvement: Improve your health with tailored exercise routines.

Motivation: Stay motivated with AI that tracks your progress and pushes you to do better.

Click here to know more!


🔑 Google Champions Choice and Control in Web Content

In response to the evolution of AI, Google has initiated a public discourse to create additional machine-readable controls for web content. These will provide publishers with more authority over their content within new AI and research contexts. Google aims to involve a diverse range of stakeholders from the web and AI communities in the conversation, including publishers, civil society, and academia and will evolve community-developed web standards like robots.txt to meet the demands of modern AI-driven technologies.

📺 Netflix's AI Creates Vibrant Magenta Green Screen

Image Credits: Netflix

Netflix has developed an AI-assisted green screen technique that improves compositing through the use of machine learning. The system, described as a 'Magenta Green Screen', involves lighting actors with contrasting magenta and green lights. This enables AI to accurately separate the foreground and background. However, this technique distorts the natural look of actors, which the AI restores by re-injecting the green channel. Despite promising results, the technique still poses challenges, including unnatural on-set lighting and complex synchronization with the camera.

🤖 UN's AI Panel: Robots Answer Press Queries

UN hosted its first robot press conference at the AI for Good 2023 global summit, where robots like Sophia, Grace, and Desdemona answered journalists' questions on AI leadership, job automation, and human collaboration. The robots gave, at times, preprogrammed responses, but were also capable of processing queries. The conference aimed to display the potentials and constraints of AI and robotics, highlighting their potential to further UN goals and foster human-machine collaboration.

📹 Google CEO Warns of Harmful AI Deepfake Videos

Google CEO Sundar Pichai expressed concerns about the misuse of AI in creating deep fake videos, stating that it could lead to societal harm. Pichai revealed that Google is limiting the public capabilities of its Bard AI to prevent misuse and gather user feedback for safety enhancements. Despite advancements, Pichai acknowledged that Google doesn't fully understand how Bard AI works, drawing a parallel with the human mind's complexity.

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