GPT 5 Coming Soon...

🔍 Google Experiments with Direct Links, LinkedIn Trials Microsoft Designer, Meta Set to Unveil AI Chatbots

Hola Decoder😎 

Hope you’re having a beautiful day, with today’s edition we bring you Fresh News, a Plugin and the most useful tools out of the sea of AI tools out there! Read on to know more…

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🤩GPT 5 Coming Soon!

OpenAI Recently has been in the spotlight for two significant developments: the filing of a trademark application for GPT-5 and the unveiling of a secret image generator that's been dubbed as 'insane' by the tech community.

  1. OpenAI's Trademark Application for GPT-5

OpenAI has filed a trademark application for GPT-5, the next iteration of its Generative Pretrained Transformer models. The application, filed with the United States Patent and Trademark Office, suggests that OpenAI is already gearing up for the next version of its AI model. The current version, GPT-4, has been lauded for its impressive language generation capabilities, and the anticipation for GPT-5 is already building.

  1. The Secret Image Generator

Alongside the GPT-5 news, OpenAI has also been making headlines for its secret image generator. This tool, which is still under wraps, has been described as 'insane' due to its ability to generate incredibly realistic images. While details about the image generator are still scarce, the buzz around it suggests that it could be another game-changer from OpenAI.

  1. Implications for the AI Industry

These developments from OpenAI are indicative of the rapid advancements being made in AI. The trademark application for GPT-5 suggests that we can expect even more sophisticated language models in the future. Meanwhile, the secret image generator hints at the potential for AI to create realistic visual content, opening up new possibilities for industries such as graphic design, advertising, and entertainment.

OpenAI continues to push the boundaries of what's possible with artificial intelligence. The trademark application for GPT-5 and the development of a secret image generator are just the latest examples of the company's commitment to advancing AI technology. As we await more details about these exciting developments, one thing is clear: the future of AI looks bright, and OpenAI is leading the charge.

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Narrative BI cuts through the complexity, telling you exactly what campaigns perform best and what can be improved. It's the secret weapon thousands of marketers have been employing to skyrocket their success.

Start today with Narrative BI and Join 1000s of agencies, Fortune 500 companies, and growth leaders at Coca-Cola, Pernod Ricard, Continental, Funko, and Intuit to automate marketing insights.


The VIO plugin, a part of the ChatGPT suite, is your personal travel agent in the digital realm. It's designed to help you find accommodations, like hotels or apartments, in any location worldwide. Just tell it where and when you're going, and it'll do the rest, making your travel planning a breeze.


  1. Global Accommodation Search: The plugin can search for accommodations in any part of the world.

  2. Customizable Search Parameters: You can specify your preferences like check-in/check-out dates, number of adults and children, desired facilities, and more.

  3. Currency Flexibility: It supports various currencies, allowing you to view prices in your preferred currency.

  4. Sort and Filter: You can sort results by price or star ratings and filter them based on the property type.

  5. Real-time Availability: It fetches real-time data, ensuring the availability and prices are always up-to-date.

How to Use

  1. Start a conversation with ChatGPT.

  2. Ask it to find accommodations, like "Find a hotel in New York from September 1 to September 5".

  3. The AI, using the VIO plugin, will fetch the relevant data and provide you with options.

Use Cases

  1. Travel Planning: Use it to find accommodations for your next trip, whether it's a business trip or a vacation.

  2. Event Planning: If you're organizing an event and need to arrange accommodations for guests, the VIO plugin can be a great help.

  3. Real Estate Research: You can use it to research property types and prices in different locations.

The VIO plugin is like having a personal travel agent at your fingertips, ready to find the perfect accommodations for your needs. It simplifies the process of finding and booking accommodations, saving you time and effort. Whether you're planning a trip or researching real estate, the VIO plugin is a handy tool to have in your digital toolkit.


🌟 - Boost Your Customer Reviews! 🚀 is here to help you garner better customer reviews more frequently. It's an AI tool that uses a proven Rapid Reviews Process to encourage your customers to leave positive reviews.

Use cases:

Customer Engagement: Encourage customers to leave reviews with ease.

Reputation Management: Improve your online reputation with more positive reviews.

Customer Feedback: Understand your customers better through their reviews.

Click to know more!

✍️ EasySEO - AI-Powered SEO Content Creation! 🚀

EasySEO is an AI writing tool that helps you create unique SEO-optimized content for your E-commerce business, blog, ads, emails, and website. Say goodbye to time-consuming content creation!

Use cases:

Content Creation: Generate unique, SEO-optimized content effortlessly.

E-commerce: Improve your product descriptions and ad copy with AI.

Time Management: Save time and effort on content creation.

Click to know more!

🔍 Exploding Topics - Discover Growing Trends! 🚀

Exploding Topics is here to keep you ahead of the curve. It's an AI tool that helps you discover rapidly growing topics before they take off.

Use cases:

Trend Discovery: Stay ahead of the curve by discovering growing trends.

Market Research: Understand market trends to make informed business decisions.

Content Creation: Create content around trending topics to drive engagement.

Click to know more!


🔍 Google Experiments with Direct Links in Search Snapshot Answers

Google is enhancing its Search Generative Experience (SGE) by experimenting with displaying direct links in the AI-generated snapshot answers. Previously, links only appeared in cards at the top right of the answer. These improvements allow users to navigate directly to the source of information, enhancing the overall utility of the SGE. This test signifies Google's efforts to evolve its AI search functionality.

🔗 LinkedIn Trials Microsoft Designer for AI-Driven Image Generation

Source- Twitter

LinkedIn is testing integration with Microsoft Designer, offering advanced image creation and visual editing tools directly in-app. These generative AI tools, aimed at creating social post visuals, will allow users to generate visual elements from text prompts, and create templates, GIFs, and videos without leaving the app. This feature is currently being trialed with selected users.

🤖 Meta Set to Unveil AI Chatbots with Unique Personalities

Screenshot from Instagram, Messenger & WhatsApp, August 2023

Meta is reportedly set to launch AI chatbots with distinct personalities, aiming to enhance user engagement and provide innovative search and recommendation functions on its platforms. Some personas include a bot mimicking Abraham Lincoln's speaking style and another embodying a surfer's demeanor. Despite raising privacy concerns due to potential data collection for personalized content and ads, these AI chatbots signal a possible evolution in personalized marketing.

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