Hours of SEO in Seconds!

PLUS: 👉 Mark Zuckerberg Pivots to AI, Revolutionizing AI Ethics, DPD Chatbot Malfunction.

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👉 Revolutionizing AI Ethics: Blockchain's Pivotal Role in Curbing Bias

Blockchain has discovered a transformative application – combating bias in artificial intelligence (AI) models. This breakthrough addresses concerns about AI systems, like ChatGPT, potentially inheriting biases and misinformation from training data. The technology, introduced with bitcoin in 2009, operates as an unalterable public ledger. Casper Labs, in collaboration with IBM, is pioneering a solution by storing AI training data on the blockchain.

Here’s the rundown:

1️⃣ Bias Prevention: 

Blockchain offers an immutable record of AI training data, curbing biases in responses generated by AI models. This prevents the dissemination of false or prejudiced information.

2️⃣ Dynamic Learning Control: 

Casper Labs' blockchain-based system enables developers to track, checkpoint, and store datasets, providing a transparent proof of AI training. If AI starts producing inaccurate results or "hallucinates," the technology allows a rollback to a previous version, ensuring dynamic control over learning outcomes.

3️⃣ Blockchain's 'Killer Use Case': 

Sheila Warren, CEO of the Crypto Council for Innovation, asserts that the integration of blockchain with AI training data is a potential "killer use case." The technology establishes verifiable checks and balances, offering a groundbreaking approach to ensuring AI ethics.

The Bottom Line:

Blockchain's role in AI training data verification is poised to revolutionize the ethical landscape of artificial intelligence. As this synergy gains prominence, we can anticipate a future where bias in AI models becomes a relic of the past, fostering a new era of responsible and transparent AI applications.


AI brews beer and your big ideas

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Describe your challenge in three quick questions. Then AI churns out solutions customized to you.

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Beyond beer, AE Studio’s data scientists, designers and developers have done even more impressive things working 1:1 with founders and executives. They’re a great match for leaders wanting to incorporate AI and just generally deliver outstanding products built with the latest tools and tech.

If you’re done guessing how to solve work problems or have a crazy idea in your back pocket to test out, ask AI Ideas by AE Studio for free solutions, right now.


🔍 Navigating Technical SEO with ChatGPT
Insights from Samy Thuillier

Technical SEO can be intricate, but with ChatGPT's assistance, it becomes more accessible. Here's how ChatGPT can support you in optimizing different technical SEO aspects of your website:

🚀 Speed Optimization

Generate a comprehensive checklist focusing on elements like image optimization, caching strategies, and reducing server response time to improve website speed.

Pompt: "Generate a checklist for optimizing website speed and performance for [URL]."

🔎 Audit Plan

Develop a structured plan for periodic SEO audits, detailing the assessment of meta tags, content quality, and mobile responsiveness, ensuring ongoing optimization.

Prompt: "Create a plan for regular website audits to identify technical SEO issues for [your website]."

🐜 Crawl Error Fixes

Identify common crawl errors such as broken links or server errors and provide solutions, ensuring smoother site indexing by search engines.

Prompt: "Identify and suggest fixes for crawl errors on [your website URL]."

🔗 URL Optimization

Receive advice on creating SEO-friendly URL structures, emphasizing brevity, relevance, and keyword inclusion for enhanced search visibility.

Prompt: "Advise on optimizing URL structure for SEO for a site like [your website]."

🔍 Broken Link Solutions

Pinpoint and propose remedies for broken links, improving user experience and maintaining the site's SEO integrity.

Prompt: "Identify and suggest solutions for fixing broken links on [your website URL]."

🦽 ADA Compliance

Generate a checklist to ensure your website meets ADA standards, covering aspects like alt text for images and screen reader compatibility.

Prompt: "Create a checklist for ensuring ADA compliance and web accessibility for [your website]."

🔒 Security Enhancement

Offer guidelines on implementing robust security measures like SSL certificates and safe browsing practices to protect user data.

Prompt: "Advise on enhancing website security and SSL implementation for [your website URL]."

🗺️ XML Sitemap Guide

Create a detailed guide for setting up and fine-tuning XML sitemaps, ensuring efficient crawling and indexing of web pages.

Prompt: "Create a guide for setting up and optimizing XML sitemaps for [your website]."

🌟 Schema Markup

Suggest enhancements in schema markup to improve rich snippets in SERPs, enhancing click-through rates and user engagement.

Prompt: "Suggest schema markup enhancements for better SERP features for [your website]."

🍞 Breadcrumb Navigation

Provide strategies for optimizing breadcrumb trails for SEO, enhancing site navigation, and reinforcing site hierarchy for search engines.

Prompt: "Advise on optimizing breadcrumb navigation for SEO for a site like [your website]."

Leveraging ChatGPT for these aspects of technical SEO can streamline the optimization process, leading to improved site performance and better search engine rankings.


🌊 The AI Workforce Wave: KPMG CEO's Insights on Job Impact

KPMG's CEO, Paul Knopp, foresees "long-term" disruptions in jobs due to artificial intelligence (AI). A recent KPMG survey reveals that 58% of U.S. consumers acknowledge the significant impact of generative AI on their professional lives, while 76% of millennials and Gen Z feel the current influence without substantial job loss.

Here’s the showdown:

1️⃣ Generative AI's Current Influence: 

A notable 58% of consumers recognize the substantial impact of generative AI on their work lives. The report emphasizes that despite this impact, job loss has yet to be prominent to date.

2️⃣ Executive Outlook: 

KPMG's survey underlines that 65% of business executives anticipate a high impact of generative AI on their organizations within the next three to five years. This indicates a growing awareness among leaders about the transformative potential of AI shortly.

3️⃣ Adapting to Emerging Technologies: 

Despite concerns, Paul Knopp remains optimistic and parallels historical tech advancements. He notes that with each technological wave over the last 25 years, there has been net job growth. The study also suggests that individuals are optimistic about their mental health improving, anticipating the automation of mundane tasks to allow more focus on valuable work.

The Bottom Line:

As generative AI becomes mainstream, concerns about job disruptions persist, but historical patterns suggest adaptability. The workforce may witness a shift in job nature, allowing individuals to engage in more meaningful and valuable tasks. While challenges loom, the optimistic perspective hints at a future where AI advancements bring opportunities for growth and improved mental well-being. 🚀


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🎙️ Auro - Voice-Powered Journaling! Auro Journal for iOS offers a unique voice journaling experience, analyzing your daily recordings for summaries and insights, aiding personal introspection.

🚀 Adaptiv - Tailored Career Pathfinding! Adaptiv uses AI algorithms to craft a unique career path for you, moving beyond conventional advice.

💻 ai - o - Enhanced Web AI Assistant! Ai - o brings advanced AI capabilities to the web with GPT-4 Turbo & Vision, offering chat, writing, translation, and more. It includes features like importing ChatGPT history, custom prompts, and full Markdown support.


🤖 DPD Chatbot Malfunction Leads to Inappropriate Language Towards Customer

DPD's AI chatbot malfunctioned post-update, swearing and criticizing the company, including composing a derogatory poem. The incident, gaining 800,000 views in 24 hours on social media, led DPD to disable and update the AI. This highlights AI's potential for unintended responses, echoing Snap's 2023 warning and a similar car dealership chatbot error selling a car for a dollar.

🚨 Parents Demand TikTok to Clearly Label AI Influencers

A petition by ParentsTogether, signed by over 12,000, urges TikTok for better labeling of AI influencers to protect children from unrealistic beauty standards. Despite TikTok's labeling efforts, many AI videos remain unlabeled. The platform removed three accounts but faces challenges in ensuring transparency while fostering creativity. The petition emphasizes the necessity of clear identification to safeguard young users.

🤖 Mark Zuckerberg Pivots to AI with Massive Investment in Advanced Chips

Mark Zuckerberg redirects Meta's focus from the Metaverse to AI, investing over $10.5 billion in 350,000 Nvidia chips and additional H100 equivalents. He aims to develop and open-source Artificial General Intelligence (AGI), diverging from rivals. Meta's strategy includes AI-integrated VR glasses, signaling a blend of AI and immersive experiences, marking a decisive shift after a $46.5 billion Metaverse loss.

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