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PLUS: 👉 AI's New Rules, OpenAI's Latest Moves

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👉 AI's New Rules: Insights from Recent FTC Actions

The US government's recent moves to monitor and regulate AI projects have sparked discussions, with OpenAI, Google, Amazon, Microsoft, and others under scrutiny. From warnings on AI breakthroughs to probing corporate relationships, the landscape is evolving. 

Here's a breakdown:

1️⃣ Government Oversight: 

Biden's administration, utilizing the Defense Production Act, demands companies, including OpenAI, to notify the government before embarking on major AI projects. This shift is imminent, potentially affecting projects like OpenAI's successor to GPT-4.

2️⃣ FTC's Requirements: 

The FTC has initiated an inquiry into the investments of major tech companies, including Microsoft, Amazon, Google, Alphabet, and OpenAI, regarding their involvement with smaller AI startups like Anthropic.The focus is on understanding the complex relationships and potential impacts these investments may have on the competitive landscape of generative AI.  

3️⃣ Guarding Against Unfair Practices: 

FTC Chair Lina Khan emphasizes the importance of guarding against tactics that could distort innovation and undermine fair competition in the rapidly evolving AI world. 

The Bottom Line:

As AI faces increased scrutiny, transparency becomes key. Government actions signal a pivotal moment for the industry. Companies must navigate evolving regulations, ensuring innovation thrives while guarding against potential distortions. The AI landscape is changing, and adaptability will be crucial for sustained success.


🤯 New AI Lead Gen Tool Identifies Email Address of Your Visitors

What if we told you that you can Identify the email addresses of your anonymous website traffic?

A new AI-powered tool, Smart Recognition, has created the next evolution in lead generation. 

Rather than getting only 5% of your traffic via an opt-in form, you can now target and email most of your website traffic, growing your email list and revenue faster!

Here are just some examples of how you can use this:

  • Capture the email addresses of up to 40% of your anonymous website Traffic. 

  • Email an irresistible offer to prospects browsing your site.

  • Send abandoned cart emails to people who don't complete checkout.

  • Add those email addresses to Meta remarketing audiences.

Curious to see how much of your anonymous website traffic you can identify? Get Started with Smart Recognition


🪄 AutomatE Data Processing in Google Sheets with Bard and Gemini Pro
Insights from Paul Couvert

With the advancements in Bard's capabilities, particularly with Gemini Pro, it's now possible to automate data processing in Google Sheets in a way that was previously unfeasible. Here's a guide on how to use Bard to manage your Google Sheets data without needing to write complex formulas yourself.

📸 Screenshot Your Data

  • Take a clear screenshot of your data table in Google Sheets. Ensure column and row names are visible. This doesn't have to be your entire table; just enough to demonstrate the data structure.

🤖 Using Bard for Macro Creation

  • Open Bard (bard.google.com) and upload your screenshot.

  • Use the following prompt template:

"Act as a data analyst expert in writing macros for Google Sheets. I have the following data format (see image) in a Google Sheets document. Write a JS macro for my Google Sheets document to [Your Goal]."

  • Example Goal: "Sort athletes by height (Ht) and create a scatter chart with height and weight data for each athlete."

🔀 Importing Your Macro to Google Sheets

  • Copy the JS macro code generated by Bard.

  • In Google Sheets, go to Extensions > Apps Script.

  • Replace any existing code with your new macro code and save.

  • Go back to Extensions > Macros, then choose Import macro and click on "Add Function."

  • You might need to grant permissions to the App Script; this is a standard procedure.

▶️ Running Your Macro

  • Access the Macros menu in Google Sheets.

  • Select and run the macro you've just imported.

  • Google Sheets will execute the macro, processing your data as specified.

  • If any issues arise, simply revisit Bard, paste the code, and request corrections.

This workflow, empowered by Gemini Pro's advancements in Bard, streamlines data processing in Google Sheets, making complex tasks manageable without deep technical knowledge. The integration of Bard’s AI capabilities with Google Sheets' functionality opens up new possibilities for data analysis and automation.


💡 OpenAI's Latest Moves: Boosting AI Efficiency and Affordability

OpenAI unveils updates, pricing changes, and new models, showcasing a commitment to improving user experience and accessibility. Here's a breakdown for you:

⚡ GPT-4 Turbo Upgrade: 

OpenAI addresses 'laziness' concerns in GPT-4 Turbo, enhancing code generation tasks. Over 70% of GPT-4 API users have migrated to GPT-4 Turbo, appreciating its updated knowledge base, and signaling its effectiveness.

📉 Price Drop: 

Developers rejoice as OpenAI slashes prices for API access, making GPT-3.5 Turbo more cost-effective. Input prices decrease by 50%, and output sees a 25% reduction, fostering wider adoption and incentivizing developers to explore text-intensive applications.

👁️ Vision Integration: 

GPT-4 Turbo's upcoming general availability with vision capabilities expands possibilities for users, enabling multimodal prompts like text-to-image generation. This evolution hints at a more versatile and powerful AI landscape.

The Bottom Line:

OpenAI's strategic moves indicate a two-fold approach: refining existing models for better functionality and making AI more economical for developers. As AI becomes both more capable and budget-friendly, it's not just a technological upgrade but a step towards democratizing access to advanced AI solutions.


🌐 Weave - Tailored Prompt Management! Weave offers a unique system for businesses to create personalized workflows, connecting prompts and leveraging various LLMs, including smaller models for specific needs.

📈 Daydream - AI Insights for Executives! Daydream is an AI-powered tool designed for C-Level, Finance, and Operations teams, blending data with contextual writing and team collaboration.

💬 Zipchat - Enhance Your Website with AI Chat! Zipchat's AI sales chat is trained using your website, blog content, external documents, and user interactions, boosting engagement and conversions.

🚀 Quick MVP - Simplify Business Startups! Quik MVP helps bring business ideas to life with its Lean Canvas model. Track progress and key metrics easily, accelerating your business journey.

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