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  • Instacart's powered by ChatGPT!

Instacart's powered by ChatGPT!

Weaving Prompts Together, Your Magical Organizer, Creating Memes Made Easy, and more!


Hola Decoder😎

In today’s edition of decoding the power of AI, We dive into:

🤩Plugin You Cannot Miss Ft. Zillow

🤖AI Tools You cannot miss

🥵Hot Takes

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Looking for a new home? Or any other real estate, for rent, or to buy? Well, there’s one plugin for all your real estate needs, Zillow!

 What does it do?

The Zillow plugin provides real estate information in the United States and Canada. It helps find homes for sale, rent, or recently sold and provides details about specific properties.

Use cases:

  1. Searching for homes for sale or rent based on location and other criteria like price, bedrooms, bathrooms, etc.

  2. Finding recently sold homes for comparison.

  3. Getting detailed information about a specific property by searching with the home's address or property id.

  4. Sorting search results based on various criteria like price, size, etc.

Why use Zillow Plugin over the app or any other website?

The Zillow plugin provides real estate data without needing to search for 100 different things. It offers quick, convenient access to property information, with just a prompt or two! So just ask exactly what you need and get all the information in just a few clicks!


Prompt Knit - Weaving Prompts Together! 🧶

Prompt Knit brings your team members together to collaborate on building all kinds of prompts. It's the ultimate tool for seamless teamwork and creative brainstorming.

Use cases:

Collaborative Creativity: Prompt Knit allows teams to collaborate on prompt creation, fostering innovation and generating fresh ideas.

Content Generation: Whether it's writing, design, or any other creative field, Prompt Knit empowers teams to work together to generate compelling prompts.

Click here to know more!

My Mind - Your Magical Organizer! 🌟🗂️

My Mind is your one-stop destination for organizing everything you care about. No more filing, labeling, or tagging—it magically organizes and visualizes your content for you.

Use cases:

Personal Organization: My Mind helps individuals keep track of their thoughts, ideas, and information in one convenient place.

Project Management: Use My Mind to organize tasks, notes, and resources for efficient project management.

Click here to know more!

MemCam - Creating Memes Made Easy! 😂📸

MemCam combines BLIP image recognition and GPT-3.5 AI-driven caption generation to create hilarious memes. Say goodbye to boring captions!

Use cases:

Social Media Engagement: MemCam helps individuals and brands create eye-catching memes to entertain and engage their audience on social media platforms.

Content Creation: Generate humorous and relatable memes for blog posts, articles, and presentations to add a touch of fun to your content.

Click here to know more!


🧠 Snap Introduces Visual Elements to 'My AI' Chatbot Experience

Courtesy: Snapchat

Snapchat has upgraded its 'My AI' chatbot, allowing users to send visual queries alongside text prompts. When users send a picture, the bot responds accordingly. This addition expands generative AI tools, providing more personalized responses. While My AI has gained popularity, it has faced backlash due to its prominent placement. Snapchat continues to explore generative AI, including the development of 'Dreams' for AI dreamscapes. The long-term impact and user engagement of these features remain uncertain.

🛒 Instacart Debuts In-App AI Search Tool, Powered by ChatGPT

Credits: Instacart

Instacart introduced a new AI search tool called "Ask Instacart," powered by OpenAI's ChatGPT. Available in the Instacart app, it offers personalized recommendations & information about food preparation, dietary considerations & more. Users can ask specific questions about recipes, side dishes, substitutes, dietary restrictions. Goal is to provide a convenient & comprehensive food-related search experience within the app. Launch aligns with the trend of companies incorporating AI features into their products, following the popularity of OpenAI's ChatGPT.

🤖 Baidu's $145M AI Investment Propels China's Bid for AI Independence

Baidu, the Chinese search engine and autonomous driving company launched a billion yuan ($145 million) fund to support generative AI startups. This reflects China's aim for AI self-reliance & reducing dependence on US technology. The fund will invest up to $1.4 million in each project & is targeting early-stage AI applications. Baidu intends to use the fund to promote adoption of its own large language model, Ernie Bot & believes that Chinese companies will lead in discovering commercial applications for AI.

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