Microsoft Outspaces Amazon!

Bing AI now on Chrome, Microsoft AI Hits Big, Open AI warns on AI Progress.

Hola Decoder😎 

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Meet Ambition, your friendly neighborhood job search assistant! This plugin is a part of ChatGPT and it's designed to help you find the perfect job. It's like having a personal career coach right at your fingertips!


  1. Job Search: Ambition can search for jobs based on your preferences, using specific keywords and location data.

  2. Job Details: It can provide more detailed information about a list of jobs, including job descriptions, requirements, and more.

  3. Location-Based Search: It uses your latitude and longitude to find jobs near you.

  4. Customizable Results: You can specify the number of results you want to see, up to a maximum of 10.

How to Use

  1. Simply ask ChatGPT to find jobs for you. For example, "Find me software engineering jobs in San Francisco."

  2. If you want more details about a job, provide the job ID to ChatGPT.

Use Cases

  1. Job Seekers: If you're looking for a new job, Ambition can help you find opportunities that match your skills and interests.

  2. Career Changers: If you're considering a career change, Ambition can help you explore different job markets.

  3. Recruiters: If you're a recruiter, Ambition can help you find job postings that match the profiles of your candidates.

  4. Career Counselors: If you're a career counselor, Ambition can help you find job opportunities for your clients.

In a nutshell, Ambition is a powerful tool that makes job searching a breeze. It's like having a personal career coach who knows exactly what you're looking for. So, whether you're a job seeker, a recruiter, or a career counselor, Ambition is here to make your life easier. Happy job hunting!

👀Bing AI Chat and Copilot Step into Google Chrome

Microsoft's been cooking up some nifty AI features for their Bing search engine, and they've just started serving them up on Google Chrome. A select group of Chrome users can now enjoy Bing's AI chatbot and AI-powered search copilot right from their browsers. This exciting feature used to be exclusive to the Bing app and Microsoft Edge, but it looks like Microsoft is branching out.

  • Microsoft's Bing AI chat and copilot are being tested on Google Chrome, according to Caitlin Roulston, Director of Communications at Microsoft. To get in on the action, you gotta be logged into a Microsoft account, agree to some terms, and acknowledge a privacy statement. But hey, after jumping through those hoops, you get to chat with Bing AI right there in your Chrome browser.

  • There's a bit of a catch, though: Bing AI chatbot can only handle 2,000 characters of input on Chrome, compared to the 4,000 it can chew through on the Edge browser. But it's a start, right?

  • Bing's AI search copilot is also available to some logged-in users on Chrome. To check if you're one of the lucky few, you can look under the Labs menu in your browser. And, to sweeten the deal, there are reports that dark mode is now available for Bing AI. That should be kind on the eyes.

  • But don't get too excited just yet if you're on Safari or DuckDuckGo. Right now, you'll still need the Microsoft Edge browser (or the Bing app for mobile users) to access Bing AI features. Though, some rumors suggest Safari might get a piece of the pie soon.

Microsoft seems to be changing its game plan, making its AI features accessible on more platforms. While there are some limitations on Chrome, Bing AI still promises to spruce up your search experience. This move by Microsoft indicates they're betting big on a multi-platform future for AI, even if it's still got some training wheels on.

We're not sure yet how this will affect Google Bard and Search Generative Experience as Chrome users start toying with Bing AI. But in the meantime, SEO pros should definitely keep an eye on Bing AI. It could end up being a pretty handy tool for optimizing search results across different platforms.


🌐 Zarla AI - Create Beautiful Websites in Seconds! 🚀

Zarla AI is here to revolutionize your website creation process. It's an AI-powered website builder that lets you create beautiful websites in seconds.

Use cases:

Web Design: Create visually appealing websites without any coding.

Digital Marketing: Launch your online presence quickly and efficiently.

E-commerce: Set up an online store in no time.

Click to know more!

🎥 Crucible - Engage Effectively with Video Content! 🚀

Crucible is an AI tool designed to assist users in effectively engaging with video content. It enables users to convert videos into various formats, such as blogs and Twitter threads.

Use cases:

Content Creation: Convert video content into blogs or social media posts.

Video Marketing: Enhance your video marketing strategy with versatile content.

Social Media: Engage your audience on different platforms with diverse content.

Click to know more!

🚀 Rapid Pages - Create Landing Pages 10x Faster! 🚀

Rapid Pages are here to speed up your landing page creation process. Pick components, customize them using AI, and export the code when you're done.

Use cases:

Web Design: Create great-looking React & Tailwind landing pages quickly.

Digital Marketing: Launch your marketing campaigns faster with ready-to-use landing pages.

Web Development: Customize and export the code for further development.

Click to know more!


🎯 Microsoft's AI Hits Big: Bing's 1B Sessions, Azure's Growth, New Copilots

Image Source- Screenshot from Google Finance, July 2023

In Microsoft's Q4 2023 earnings call, Bing AI was highlighted for exceeding one billion chat sessions and creating more than 750 million images. Azure AI services saw about 50% revenue growth, partially driving Azure’s 27% overall growth. Microsoft unveiled new AI products, like GitHub Copilot, Power BI Copilot, and Microsoft 365 Copilot, underscoring its dedication to embedding AI across its cloud and application stack, with a continuous investment in AI infrastructure to meet rising demand.

🔍 OpenAI Discontinues AI Text Detector Amid Accuracy Concerns

OpenAI has discontinued its AI text detector due to concerns over inaccuracy. Launched in March 2023, the tool analyzed linguistic characteristics to determine if a text was AI-generated. Criticisms centered on its inability to accurately distinguish between human and machine writing. OpenAI remains committed to developing improved detection methods for AI-generated content, addressing issues of bias and reliability.

🏆 Microsoft Outpaces Amazon in Cloud-Based AI Services, says CEO Nadella

Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella speaks during a keynote address announcing ChatGPT integration for Bing at Microsoft

Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella announced that while Microsoft trails Amazon in cloud infrastructure, it leads in providing cloud-based AI services. Much of this success is attributed to OpenAI’s ChatGPT chatbot, hosted on Azure, which went viral in late 2022. The company expects Azure's growth to be 25-26% this quarter, with AI services contributing around 2%. OpenAI's partnership plays a crucial role in Microsoft's AI expansion plans.

🤖 OpenAI CEO Sam Altman Warns AI Progress May Lead to Job Losses

OpenAI CEO Sam Altman has warned that while generative AI technology such as ChatGPT could increase productivity, it could also lead to job losses. Despite some experts suggesting AI won't result in widespread job displacement, Altman emphasized that some job losses are inevitable. However, he anticipates that higher-paying jobs could be created in place of those disrupted. The challenge lies in whether displaced workers will be able to transition into these new roles.

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