OpenAI Shakes things up!

🤩 ChatGPT Getting 4x better


Hola Decoder😎

In today’s edition of decoding the power of AI, We dive into:

🤩OpenAI Shaking things up!

🤖AI Tools You cannot miss

🥵Hot Takes

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If you love ChatGPT, You’ll love it more! OpenAI is shaking things up with new generative text features and reduced pricing, making AI more accessible and powerful than ever before.

  • OpenAI has introduced new versions of GPT-3.5-turbo and GPT-4, with a feature called function calling. This allows developers to describe programming functions to the AI models, which then create code to execute those functions.

  • Function calling can be used to create chatbots that answer questions by calling external tools, converting natural language into database queries, and extracting structured data from text.

  • OpenAI is also introducing a version of GPT-3.5-turbo with a greatly expanded context window, allowing the model to consider more text before generating additional text. This helps to keep the AI on the topic during conversations.

  • The new GPT-3.5-turbo offers four times the context length of the original version, but at twice the price.

  • Despite the price increase for the expanded version, OpenAI is reducing the pricing for the original GPT-3.5-turbo by 25%.

  • Pricing is also being reduced for text-embedding-ada-002, a popular text-embedding model used for search and recommendations.

  • OpenAI's CEO, Sam Altman, has indicated that the company is focusing on incremental updates to existing models rather than creating new models from scratch.

With these new features and reduced pricing, OpenAI continues to push the boundaries of what's possible with AI, making it an even more valuable tool for developers and businesses.


💬 Blogtweet - Your AI-Powered Twitter Thread Creator! 🚀

Blogtweet is all set to revolutionize your Twitter game with AI. Imagine turning any blog post into a Twitter thread with just a click! It's like having a personal social media manager in your pocket.

Use cases:

Streamlined Blog Sharing: Share your blog content on Twitter with AI-powered efficiency.

Engaging Twitter Threads: Turn your long-form content into engaging Twitter threads.

Click here to know more!

🎵 Balance - Your AI-Powered Mindfulness Coach! 🧘‍♀️

Balance is here to help you manage acute anxiety with the power of AI. Say goodbye to stress and hello to calmness, all thanks to GPT-4, the latest in AI tech. It's like having a personal mindfulness coach in your pocket.

Use cases:

Stress Management: Manage work stress effectively with AI-guided mindfulness exercises.

Moment of Calm: Find your moment of calm in a busy day.

Click here to know more!

🔬 - Your AI-Powered Data Scraping Assistant! 📚 is here to revolutionize your data gathering process. Say goodbye to long, tedious hours of data scraping. With this AI-driven tool, you can gather and organize data from the web in no time.

Use cases:

Efficient Market Research: Conduct thorough and precise market research with AI-driven data scraping.

Competitive Analysis: Get AI-driven insights for effective competitive analysis.

Click here to know more!


⏳ Google's EU AI Chatbot Launch Paused Amid Privacy Concerns

Google's launch of its AI chatbot, Bard, in the European Union has been delayed due to concerns raised by the Irish Data Protection Commission (DPC). The DPC cited a lack of adequate information from Google, including a data protection impact assessment. While there's no specified launch date for Bard in the EU, the DPC is seeking additional information from Google and the matter is under ongoing examination.

🧠 Meta Unveils New AI Paper on Predictive Models

Blue boxes in the I-JEPA system depict its improved contextual understanding of image representation from partial inputs.

Meta has released a new generative AI paper focusing on 'Image Joint Embedding Predictive Architecture' (I-JEPA), a process that enables predictive visual modeling based on comprehensive image understanding rather than pixel matching. Unlike other AI tools, Meta's approach learns from context, simulating human thought processes. Guided by Chief AI Scientist Jann LeCun, this work signifies progress towards a more human-like AI response. I-JEPA is a part of Meta's expanding AI tools portfolio, including text generation, visual editing, multi-modal learning, and music generation.

💪 AMD's New AI Chip Ready to Challenge Nvidia

AMD announced its most advanced GPU for AI, the MI300X, set to challenge Nvidia's dominant market share. The MI300X, with up to 192GB of memory, supports larger AI models, a significant advantage over Nvidia's H100 which supports only 120GB. AMD also revealed an Infinity Architecture, combining eight M1300X accelerators in one system. With AMD's own software ROCm, the company aims to tap into the growing data center AI accelerator market, estimated to exceed $150 billion by 2027.

💰 French Start-up Mistral AI Lands $113M Seed Round to Rival OpenAI

Mistral AI, a four-week-old French startup founded by Google’s DeepMind and Meta alums, secured a $113 million seed round to challenge OpenAI. Focused on open source solutions, Mistral aims to build, train, and apply large language models and generative AI, releasing its first text-based models in 2024. The funding round, led by Lightspeed Venture Partners, values the company at $260 million. The enterprise-focused company plans to build models using publicly available data and aims to provide easy-to-use AI tools for enterprises.

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Keep deciphering the AI enigma, and we'll be back on Monday with more coded mysteries unraveled just for you piping Revolution