Prompt your way to success!

PLUS: 🥁 AI Triumphs: Conquering Mental & Physical Challenges, AI Service: Paid Memberships & Copyright Safeguards.

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Happens to you too? Not Anymore. Read on to know how!

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🥁AI Triumphs: Conquering Mental & Physical Challenges 

In a groundbreaking achievement, artificial intelligence (AI) has outsmarted humans in a mental game and showcased physical prowess. 

Here’s the rundown:

1️⃣ Multifaceted AI Abilities: 

The AI robot named CyberRunner, developed by researchers at ETH Zurich University, mastered a labyrinth game, steering a marble through a maze with robot hands. CyberRunner's success marks a milestone, showcasing AI's capability not only in mental tasks but also in intricate physical activities. 

2️⃣ Learning Dynamics: 

Unlike previous man-versus-machine scenarios limited to chess, CyberRunner demonstrated fine motor skills and spatial reasoning. Employing a model-based reinforcement learning algorithm, the robot improved through experience, surpassing human performance by over 6%.

3️⃣ Affordable Accessibility: 

The researchers emphasize democratizing AI research by open-sourcing the project, enabling anyone to engage in cutting-edge AI experiments for less than $200. 

The Bottom Line:
AI's triumph in a combined mental and physical challenge unveils new dimensions in its capabilities. The open-sourcing of CyberRunner encourages widespread participation, turning AI research into a global, affordable endeavor, pushing the boundaries of citizen science.


AI brews beer and your big ideas

What’s your biggest business challenge? Don’t worry about wording it perfectly or describing it just right. Brain dump your description into AE Studio’s new tool and AI will help you solve that work puzzle.

Describe your challenge in three quick questions. Then AI churns out solutions customized to you.

AE Studio exists to solve business problems. They build great products and create custom software, AI and BCI solutions. And they once brewed beer by training AI to instruct a brewmeister and then to market the result. The beer sold out – true story.

Beyond beer, AE Studio’s data scientists, designers and developers have done even more impressive things working 1:1 with founders and executives. They’re a great match for leaders wanting to incorporate AI and just generally deliver outstanding products built with the latest tools and tech.

If you’re done guessing how to solve work problems or have a crazy idea in your back pocket to test out, ask AI Ideas by AE Studio for free solutions, right now.


🚀Optimizing Prompt Creation for ChatGPT Engagement
Insights from Khizer Abbas

Elevate your ChatGPT interactions with tailored prompt frameworks, designed to streamline and enhance the prompt crafting process. A clear and well-structured prompt is crucial, with research indicating that strategic prompts can increase the relevancy and accuracy of AI-generated content by up to 50%.

1️⃣ R-T-F (Role-Task-Format) Framework

Assume a specific role, establish a task, and choose the best format to present your request.

  • Identify the role you want ChatGPT to play.

  • Define a clear task for the AI to execute.

Decide the format in which you'd like the information presented.

Example: "As a digital marketer, craft a compelling ad sequence for fitness wear."

This structured approach aligns the AI’s output with specific marketing objectives, resulting in more targeted and actionable content.

2️⃣ T-A-G (Task-Action-Goal) Framework

Clarify the task, the action to be taken, and the ultimate goal of the prompt.

  • Articulate the task at hand succinctly.

  • Command the specific action needed.

Highlight the goal for context and direction.

Example: "Conduct a detailed team performance analysis to elevate overall customer satisfaction."

This framework ensures that ChatGPT’s responses are goal-oriented, providing actionable insights for team development.

3️⃣ B-A-B (Before-After-Bridge) Framework

Set the current state, the desired future state, and the bridge to get there.

  • Describe the initial problem or situation.

  • Envision the improved state you aim to achieve.

Solicit a bridge strategy to reach that state.

Example: "Outline a strategy to ascend from obscurity to top 10 in SEO rankings within three months."

The B-A-B framework prompts ChatGPT to provide a transformational strategy, bridging the gap from present challenges to future successes.

4️⃣ C-A-R-E (Context-Action-Result-Example) Framework

Provide context, describe the desired action, clarify the expected result, and offer an example.

  • Set the stage with background information.

  • Request a specific action plan.

  • Define the intended result.

Supply an analogous example to guide the output.

Example: "Develop an environmentally-focused marketing campaign similar to Patagonia’s initiatives."

C-A-R-E provides a comprehensive blueprint for ChatGPT, resulting in tailored and result-driven marketing strategies.

5️⃣ R-I-S-E (Role-Input-Steps-Expectation) Framework

Specify the role, describe the input available, detail the steps to follow, and articulate the expected outcome.

  • Determine the role for context.

  • Provide input data or resources.

  • Request a step-by-step methodology.

Describe what the result should meet or reveal.

Example: "Formulate a content strategy utilizing audience insights to bolster brand presence."

This systematic approach directs ChatGPT to produce comprehensive content strategies, ensuring that all necessary steps are covered for successful implementation.

The right prompt can unlock ChatGPT's full potential, driving precise and purposeful outputs that can significantly impact your marketing efforts. By adopting these specialized frameworks, users can formulate prompts that not only communicate their needs effectively but also command detailed, actionable responses from ChatGPT, ultimately boosting productivity and campaign performance.


🚀 AI Service: Paid Memberships & Copyright Safeguards Redefine User Experience

Stability AI introduces paid memberships for commercial use of its models, while Anthropic, the creator of the AI chatbot Claude, elevates user protection, pledging to defend and financially cover settlements in copyright infringement cases. 

Here’s the showdown:

Stability AI's Membership Tiers: 

The introduction of 3-membership tiers caters to diverse user needs, offering free access for personal use and affordable subscriptions for creators and enterprises. Early access to new AI models is a shared benefit, while commercial usage is exclusive to paid tiers, supporting the company's future research endeavors.

Anthropic's Copyright Safeguards: 

Anthropic sets a precedent by committing to defend users against copyright claims related to Claude's outputs, distinguishing itself in the AI industry. The initiative echoes similar commitments from tech giants like Microsoft and Google, ensuring users' legal protection in the evolving landscape of AI-generated content.

These developments reshape the AI service model, ensuring sustainability and safeguarding users' legal interests.


📸 Pic Copilot - Transform Product Imagery! PicCopilot uses AI to create eye-catching product images, instantly boosting your online store's visual appeal and click-through rates.

📰 Linnk - In-Depth Article Insights! Gain a comprehensive understanding of an article's structure and key points before reading, all on the same page, thanks to Linnk's AI analysis.

🎥 Creatify - Streamlined Video Ad Creation! Turn product links or descriptions into high-quality marketing videos effortlessly with Creatify's AI-powered app.

🚀 Rocketfy - Elevate Your Etsy Sales! Roketfy offers smart, data-driven tools and services tailored to help Etsy sellers enhance their sales performance and market presence.

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