Stability AI vs Eleven Labs

👀 OpenAI Researcher Predicts AGI by 2027

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🎶 Stability AI Launches Open-Source Sound Generator: Stable Audio Open
Insights from Tech Crunch

Stability AI, known for its AI art generator Stable Diffusion, has unveiled Stable Audio Open, a new open-source model designed to generate sounds and short musical pieces. This generative AI model can create recordings up to 47 seconds long based on text descriptions, such as “Rock beat played in a treated studio, session drumming on an acoustic kit.”

Image Credits: Stability AI

The Decode:

  • Training Data: The model was trained on approximately 486,000 royalty-free samples from FreeSound and the Free Music Archive.

  • Applications: It can generate drum beats, instrument riffs, ambient noises, and production elements for videos, films, and TV shows. It can also edit existing songs or apply the style of one song to another.

  • Customization: Users can fine-tune the model on their custom audio data. For instance, a drummer could use their recordings to create new beats.


  • Scope: Stable Audio Open cannot effectively produce full songs, melodies, or vocals. Users should consider Stability AI’s premium Stable Audio service for those capabilities.

  • Commercial Use: The model cannot be used commercially, as its terms of service prohibit it.

  • Biases: The model could perform better across all musical styles, cultures, or non-English descriptions, reflecting biases in the training data.

Background and Controversy:

Stability AI has faced challenges, including controversy after its VP of generative audio, Ed Newton-Rex, resigned over disagreements regarding the company's stance on training AI models using copyrighted works, which they consider “fair use.” This release comes amid growing scrutiny over AI-generated music and copyright issues. In May, Sony Music warned 700 AI companies against unauthorized use of its content, and Tennessee enacted the U.S.’s first law aimed at curbing AI abuses in music.

Stable Audio Open appears to be an effort by Stability AI to promote its paid services while addressing the ethical and legal aspects of AI in creative industries. This release underscores the increasing attention on the role of AI in music and sound production, highlighting the need for balanced innovation and compliance with intellectual property laws.


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👀 OpenAI Researcher Predicts AGI by 2027
Insights from Situational Awareness by Leopold Aschenbrenner

Former OpenAI researcher Leopold Aschenbrenner has released a new essay series outlining his predictions for artificial general intelligence (AGI), forecasting it will arrive by 2027. He describes the rapid advancements in AI as potentially the most intense and volatile events in human history.

The Decode:

  • Accelerated Progress: Aschenbrenner suggests the world is underestimating the imminent advancements in AI, anticipating a leap similar to the transition from GPT-2 to GPT-4 by 2027, which he believes will bring about AGI.

  • Rapid Development: He predicts that the emergence of AGI will cause a massive acceleration in progress, potentially compressing decades of advancements into a single year.

  • Economic and Military Implications: Aschenbrenner highlights the significant economic and military benefits of AGI, calling it a national security issue that warrants a focused initiative akin to the "Manhattan Project."

  • OpenAI Departure: During an appearance on the Dwarkesh Podcast, Aschenbrenner revealed he was dismissed from OpenAI after voicing concerns about AI security.

Aschenbrenner's insights as a former insider at OpenAI lend significant credibility to his predictions. His perspective suggests a radical transformation shortly due to AGI, emphasizing its potential to reshape various aspects of society. Additionally, his comments on his firing add to the ongoing discourse surrounding OpenAI's internal conflicts and the broader debate on AI safety.


📊 Growing AI Mentions in Diverse Industries
Insights from Superhuman

The Decode:

In late 2023, 19% of energy companies referenced AI in investor calls, which increased to two-thirds by the next quarter. This rising trend is seen in sectors like industrials, communication services, and real estate. However, healthcare and utilities discussed AI less frequently last quarter. Analysts suggest that the Computex event, featuring more powerful and affordable AI chips, could drive wider AI adoption across various industries.


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🎉 Nvidia Surpasses Apple, Hits $3.01 Trillion Valuation

Nvidia surpasses Apple in market capitalization, reaching $3.01 trillion compared to Apple's $3 trillion marking Nvidia as the second most valuable company globally, trailing only Microsoft. Nvidia's dominance in the AI sector with its H100 chip and impressive profits have fueled this growth. As CEO Jensen Huang stated, "AI is the most powerful technology force of our time." 

📱 Next Nothing Phone to Feature AI-Focused Innovations

Source - Nothing

Nothing is set to revolutionize user experience with its upcoming Phone 3, as announced by CEO Carl Pei. The new device will emphasize AI integration, aiming to transform smartphones into intuitive devices that can anticipate user needs and move beyond traditional app usage. The demonstrations featured a personalized voice assistant and a dynamic home screen.

🎧 Spotify May Get Its Own Gemini Extension, APK Teardown Reveals 

Spotify might soon get its own Gemini Extension, similar to the recently launched YouTube Music Extension for the Gemini Android app enabling Gemini to control and play Spotify music. An APK teardown of Google app v15.22.29.29.arm64 revealed work-in-progress code indicating this development and will help predict potential features based on code, though they may not always reach public release. 

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