Want To Monetize Your GPTs?

PLUS: 🛍️Google Cloud's GenAI Innovations, Microsoft Unveils Generative AI and more!

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🛍️ Retail Breakthrough: Google Cloud's GenAI Innovations

Google Cloud is stepping into the retail arena with its new GenAI products, aiming to revolutionize online shopping experiences and back-office operations for retailers. The announcements, unveiled at the National Retail Federation’s annual conference in NYC, signal Google's aggressive move to cater to GenAI customers.

Here are the key takeaways:

1️⃣ Conversational Commerce Solution:

Google Cloud's Conversational Commerce Solution enables retailers to integrate GenAI-powered agents (like PaLM) on their websites and apps, engaging in natural language conversations and delivering personalized product suggestions based on individual preferences. 

2️⃣ Catalog and Content Enrichment:

Complementing the Conversational Commerce Solution, Google Cloud presents a new toolset for Catalog and Content Enrichment. Leveraging GenAI models like PaLM and Imagen, this toolset automatically generates product descriptions, metadata, and categorization suggestions, and even creates new product images from existing ones. 

3️⃣ Human-in-the-Loop Approach:

To ensure AI-generated content accuracy and minimize biases, Google adopts a "human-in-the-loop" approach, continuously improving tools with a core focus on human review for high-quality outputs, risk mitigation, and enhanced trust and transparency.

4️⃣ Distributed Cloud Edge for Retail:

Google unveils a retail-specific Distributed Cloud Edge device, offering a managed hardware kit to reduce IT costs around retail GenAI. With different configurations, this edge cluster facilitates the seamless operation of GenAI apps in various retail settings, even during internet disconnections.

The Bottom Line:

In a recent Google poll, 81% of Retail decision-makers expressed an urge to employ GenAI in their businesses while 72% feel ready to deploy the same! So, this definitely sets the stage for transformative shifts in retail operations. 


AI brews beer and your big ideas

What’s your biggest business challenge? Don’t worry about wording it perfectly or describing it just right. Brain dump your description into AE Studio’s new tool and AI will help you solve that work puzzle.

Describe your challenge in three quick questions. Then AI churns out solutions customized to you.

AE Studio exists to solve business problems. They build great products and create custom software, AI and BCI solutions. And they once brewed beer by training AI to instruct a brewmeister and then to market the result. The beer sold out – true story.

Beyond beer, AE Studio’s data scientists, designers and developers have done even more impressive things working 1:1 with founders and executives. They’re a great match for leaders wanting to incorporate AI and just generally deliver outstanding products built with the latest tools and tech.

If you’re done guessing how to solve work problems or have a crazy idea in your back pocket to test out, ask AI Ideas by AE Studio for free solutions, right now.


Insights from Rowan Cheung 👇


📢 Adsby.co - Streamline Your Ad Creation! Quickly generate compelling ad texts for various platforms like Google, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn with Adsby's AI, tailored to your business and audience.

🍳 Salt.Recipe - Personalized AI Recipes! "I Have Salt" is an innovative recipe platform that uses AI to turn your cravings into customized recipes, offering a dynamic space for food enthusiasts to explore and share culinary ideas.

📧 Skim AI - Transform Emails with AI! SkimAI enhances Gmail productivity by converting emails into actionable insights, highlighting important parts, summarizing messages, and drafting quick replies.

💰 AdIntelli - Monetize GPTs with Ease! AdIntelli simplifies earning revenue through in-chat ads, designed to enhance your GPTs business without the lengthy profitability process.


🔍 AI Suggests Fingerprints Might Not Be Unique

Columbia University's AI study, analyzing 60,000 fingerprints, challenges the belief in their uniqueness, achieving 75-90% accuracy in matching prints from the same person. Focusing on ridge orientation over traditional minutiae, it questions forensic assumptions and impacts biometrics. The research, still not court-ready, contributes to ongoing debates on fingerprint uniqueness, as highlighted by a case of twins bypassing iPhone security.

🌟 Microsoft Unveils Generative AI for Ad Development

Microsoft enhances its Retail Media with "Creative Studio," an AI tool enabling easy creation of customized banner ads from product URLs. Designed to boost creativity and support smaller retailers, it aligns ads with retailer style guides. This development is a key part of Microsoft's AI-first strategy, reflecting its growing commitment to integrating AI across its technology suite.

🏁 AI Racing Influencer's Brief 34-Day Existence Ends

In December 2023, Mahindra Racing introduced Ava, an AI influencer for promoting "inclusion through AI innovation." The project, however, faced backlash for its artificial persona, undermining real inclusivity and authenticity, leading to its discontinuation in January 2024. This case highlights the intricate challenges of integrating AI in public-facing roles, especially in marketing and genuine representation.

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Transforming Retail: Google Cloud’s New GenAI Tools