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White House notches AI agreement

📱 ChatGPT is Coming to Android, Apple's internal chatbot and more!

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A/B Judge is a nifty plugin designed to simplify the process of A/B testing. It's a statistical powerhouse that uses Chi-square tests to determine the significance of your results. With A/B Judge, you can confidently make data-driven decisions.


  1. Chi-Square Test-Based Analysis: The plugin uses the Chi-square test, a statistical method to determine if there's a significant difference between your control and test groups.

  2. Three Types of Tests: It offers three types of tests based on conversion user rate, conversion user count, and all user count.

  3. Customizable Significance Level: You can set your own significance level for the Chi-square test, giving you control over the sensitivity of your results.

  4. User-Friendly Interface: The plugin is designed to be intuitive and easy to use, even for those without a background in statistics.

How to Use

With ChatGPT:

  1. Call the appropriate function from the A/B Judge namespace depending on the type of test you want to run.

  2. Provide the necessary parameters such as conversion rates, total user counts, and significance level.

  3. ChatGPT will return the results of the Chi-square test, including whether the difference is statistically significant.

Without ChatGPT:

  1. Access the A/B Judge plugin through its dedicated web interface.

  2. Input your data into the appropriate fields.

  3. Click the "Run Test" button to get your results.

Use Cases

  1. Website Redesign: If you've redesigned your website and want to see if it's improved user engagement, A/B Judge can help.

  2. Marketing Campaigns: Use it to determine which version of an ad or email campaign is more effective.

  3. Product Features: If you're testing a new feature against an old one, A/B Judge can tell you if users prefer the new version.

A/B Judge is a powerful tool that takes the guesswork out of A/B testing. It's user-friendly, versatile, and can be used with or without ChatGPT. Whether you're a marketer, a product manager, or a data enthusiast, A/B Judge is a must-have tool in your data analysis toolkit.

Meet Zupyak, the first-ever search-optimized AI writer. Imagine if ChatGPT and an SEO tool had a baby 👶 

Do you find writing SEO content that actually ranks difficult? Do you often struggle with ideas on what to write about? Enter Zupyak!

No knowledge or expensive SEO tools are needed to create content that will have a better search impact in seconds, not hours!

It does the SEO research for you while you write, and you can rank faster without using agencies or freelancers.


📝 Articly - Simplify Your Blogging Journey! 🚀

Articly is designed to simplify your blogging journey and help you achieve remarkable results. It's like having a personal AI assistant for your blog.

Use cases:

Content Creation: Create engaging blog posts with the help of AI.

SEO: Improve your blog's SEO with AI-powered insights.

Content Strategy: Plan and execute your content strategy more effectively.

Click to know more!

💬 Social Magic - Supercharge Your LinkedIn Posts! 🚀

Social Magic is an AI-powered enhancement for your LinkedIn posts and comments. It's like having a personal AI assistant for your LinkedIn content.

Use cases:

Content Creation: Create engaging LinkedIn posts and comments with the help of AI.

Social Selling: Enhance your social selling efforts with AI-powered content.

Personal Branding: Boost your personal brand on LinkedIn with engaging content.

Click to know more!

🎥 Gling - Focus on Your YouTube Videos! 🚀

Gling is here to help you focus on your YouTube videos. Their AI will cut silences and bad takes for you, saving you time and effort.

Use cases:

Video Editing: Let AI handle the tedious task of cutting silences and bad takes.

Content Creation: Focus on creating engaging content for your YouTube videos.

Video Marketing: Improve the quality of your videos with AI-powered editing.

Click to know more!


 🔧Apple's internal chatbot streamlines tasks

Apple is utilizing an internal chatbot to help employees with feature prototyping and data-based queries. While pondering its customer-facing potential, the company aims to expand generative AI use within its organization, possibly aiding AppleCare support. Former Google AI head John Giannandrea's hiring highlights their dedication to AI development. A significant AI-related announcement is expected next year, keeping AI enthusiasts eagerly awaiting Apple's next move.

🤝White House notches AI agreement with top tech firms

President Joe Biden with CEO of Amazon Web Services; President of OpenAI; President of Meta; CEO of Inflection AI, on 21 July 2023, The Joplin Globe

President Joe Biden's voluntary agreement with top AI developers like Amazon, Google, and Microsoft includes pre-release testing, cybersecurity, and watermarking for AI-generated content. Emphasizing safety, trust, and combating deep fakes, these guidelines address the regulatory void while Congress finalizes AI legislation. Industry groups support the code of conduct, and an impending executive order on AI underscores the administration's commitment to responsible AI development and deployment.

🚀ChatGPT is Coming to Android Next Week! Sign Up Today!

Image Source- Open AI

OpenAI's ChatGPT, a hit on iOS with 500k downloads in a week, is now up for Android pre-order. It guarantees a seamless user experience with cross-device conversation and preference sync. Though some iOS features may not transfer, Android users can expect parity. Launching first in the U.S., global availability is likely in the weeks to follow, marking a promising move for AI enthusiasts on the go.

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